Methodological report Short-term statistics by European concept of the Kind-of-activity unit
The presented Report is a compendium of knowledge on European short-term statistics.
Distribution of wages and salaries in the national economy in August 2024
One of the measures reflecting the labour market situation is the wages and salaries of employees. In view of the growing information needs in this respect, we have introduced a new survey – the Survey on the Distribution of Wages and Salaries in the National Economy, which covers the whole population of employees receiving wages and salaries.
The Web Intelligence Network Conference. From Web to Data
On 4-5 February 2025 in Gdansk the conference 'Web Intelligence Network. From Web to Data" lasts, summarising the results of the work of the international ESSnet Web Intelligence Network project (ESSnet WIN), coordinated by the Statistics Poland.
Methodological report - Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants
This report presents the methodological principles and a description of the organisation of the "Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants" survey.
Investments and fixed assets in national economy in 2020-2023
Analysis of investment outlays and changes in the stock of fixed assets in the national economy by ownership sectors, sections and divisions of the Polish Classification of Activities (PKD 2007), the classification of fixed assets (KŚT 2016) and in the territorial division of the country at the NUTS 2 level (according to NUTS 2016). In addition to the analytical part, the publication contains a part describing methodological solutions, applied classifications and definitions of basic concepts in the field of capital expenditures and fixed assets.
Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in August 2024
As at the last day of August 2024, there were 15 061.7 thousand employed persons in the national economy. The average age and median age of employed persons in the national economy were similar. The average age was 42.8 years and the median age was 42.0 years.
Development of the social economy in territorial local government units in 2023
In 2023, 2,498 territorial local government units (88.4% of all in Poland) allocated funds to non-governmental organisations for the implementation of public tasks under the Act on Public Benefit Activity and Volunteerism. Compared to 2021, their number increased by 74 units (2.6%).