Quarterly information on the labour market in the 3rd quarter of 2017

Quarterly information on the labour market presents provisional data on the employed, unemployed, and economically inactive gathered from the sample Labour Force Survey in the 3rd quarter of 2017 as compared to the results of the surveys conducted in the 3rd quarter of 2015 and 2016 and 2nd quarter of 2017.
The generalization of the survey results over the overall population has been carried out with the use of the data on population of Poland aged 15 years and more coming from the balances of population as of the state on June 30th 2017 (compiled on the basis of the Population and Housing Census 2011).
Since the first quarter of 2016 instead of the hitherto used calibration at the country’s level, there has been applied the calibration of the results at the voivodship level, with the appliance of the hitherto used demographic criteria.
The data of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy regarding unemployed persons registered in labour offices, vacancies reported to labour offices, and terminations due to establishments' reasons were included in the paper.
The quarterly Labour Force Survey is the main source of information on situation on the labour market. The survey covers all persons aged 15 and more who are members of the sampled households. The LFS methodology is based on definitions recommended by the International Labour Office and Eurostat.
The basic criterion for division of population from the point of view of economic activity into the employed, the unemployed and the economically inactive is work, i.e. performing, having or seeking a job in the reference week.