Quarterly information on the labour market in the 3rd quarter 2013

Quarterly information on the labour market presents provisional data on the employed, unemployed, and economically inactive gathered from the sample Labour Force Survey in the 3rd quarter of 2013 as compared to the results of the surveys conducted in the 2nd quarter of 2013 and 3rd quarter of 2011 and 2012. Since the third quarter of 2012, the generalization of the survey results onto the overall population has been done with the use of the data on the Polish population aged 15 and more coming from the balances compiled on the basis of the National Census of Population and Housing 2011. Moreover, there were introduced methodological changes targeted at harmonization of the population covered with the survey with the Eurostat recommendations. Since the third quarter of 2012, from the survey range have been excluded persons staying outside the household, i.e. abroad or living in institutional households for 12 months or longer — until the second quarter of 2012, the duration was longer than 3 months.
The data presented in the publication show the results recalculated in accordance with the new methodology and the new base for generalization of the results.