Information regarding the labour market in the second quarter of 2020 (preliminary data)

The situation connected with COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly had a key impact on the changes observed on the labour market in the second quarter of 2020. The characteristic feature of this period is the fact that the decrease in the number of the employed was similar, as regards its scale, to the respective increase in the population of the economically inactive; whereas, the changes in the population of the unemployed were observed to a lower extent. A specific period and limitations connected with moving, the necessity to keep a social distance, as well as difficulties regarding operating of numerous firms and branches of economy also influenced the internal changes observed for many subpopulations (including in case of the employed, i.a., extended absences, more often work from home).
The results of the labour force survey (LFS) presenting average data for the quarter indicate that in the second quarter of 2020, economically active persons comprised 55.5% of the population aged 15 years and more. The indicator decreased compared to both: the first quarter of 2020, as well as the second quarter of 2019 (respectively by 0.5 percentage point and 0.7 percentage point).