September 2021
Publications of the Statistics Poland
Socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 2/2021
Analysis of data describing the socio-economic situation of the voivodships. Selected categories presented in dynamic, including conversations with average sizes for countries in quarterly periods and growing periods.
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The demand for labour in the second quarter of 2021
At the end of the second quarter of 2021, the number of job vacancies in Poland was 142.8 thousand and was 29.6% higher than at the end of the first quarter of 2021.
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The impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on selected elements of the labour market in Poland in the second quarter of 2021
The Labour Demand Survey is conducted using a representative method on a quarterly basis. According to the scope of the survey, it covers notional economy entities and their local units employing at least 1 person. The survey shows that at the end of the second quarter of 2021, the number of occupied jobs was almost the same as at the end of the second quarter of 2020.
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Accidents at work in the first half of 2021 - preliminary data
27,200 persons injured in accidents at work were reported in the first half of 2021, by 13.1% more than in the first half of 2020. The number of injured persons per 1,000 employed persons (the incidence rate) also increased from 1.77 to 2.01 respectively.
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Producer price indices for business services in the second quarter of 2021
In the second quarter of 2021, the producer prices for business services increased by 0.8% compared to the previous quarter, and in comparison to the second quarter of 2020, they increased by 2.0%.
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Outlays and results in industry - I-II quarter 2021
Production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, prices indices, investment outlays, current assets, the sources of financing of enterprises assets, financial indicators, industrial enterprises by amount of average monthly gross wages and salaries and by profitability rate of net turnover.
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Housing economy in 2020
In Poland, as of the end of 2020, there were recorded over 15.0 million dwellings (an increase of 1.4 % compared to the end of 2019) with the total useful floor area of 1,118.8 million m2, with 57.4 million rooms.
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Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-July 2021
Foreign trade turnover1 in January – July 2021 in
exports at current prices amounted to PLN 726.9
bn, while in imports - PLN 712.7 bn. The positive
balance reached the level of PLN 14.2 bn, while in the
same period of 2020 year amounted to PLN 19.2 bn.
In comparison to the corresponding period of 2020
exports increased by 26.0%, while imports
by 27.8%.
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Consumer price indices in August 2021
Consumer prices in August 2021, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 5,5% (with an increase of prices of services by 6,6% and goods by 5,1%).
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Communication on price index of consumer goods and services in August 2021
The price index of consumer goods and services in August 2021 as related to July 2021 amounted to 100.3 (price increase of 0.3%).
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Business services in 2019
In 2019 the value of turnover of enterprises conducting activities related to business services amounted to PLN 425.0 billion. In comparison to the previous year, the increase in turnover with the simultaneous growth in the number of enterprises and persons employed were observed.
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Polish athletes at the XXXII Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
During the XXXII Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, Polish athletes won 14 medals, including 4 gold, 5 silver and 5 bronze. Poland ranked 17th in the medal table.
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Energy management and gas supply system in Poland in 2020
In Poland in 2020, consumption of gas from gas supply
system per capita in urban areas increased by 54.3 kWh
(by 3.5 %) and amounted to 1,611 kWh.
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Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in August 2021
In August 2021, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 0.9% y/y and amounted to 6352.0 thousand, while average wages and salaries were higher by 9.5% y/y and amounted to 5843.75 PLN (gross).
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Statistics in Transition new series nr 3/2021
We are pleased to announce that on 6th/September 2021 issue 3/2021 of "Statistics in Transition new series" was published. Click here for the details:
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Prices of agricultural products in August 2021
Procurement prices of basic agricultural products
increased in August 2021 in comparison with the previous
month (by 0.3%) as well as while compared to
the corresponding month of last year (by 18.2%).
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Price indices of sold production of industry in August 2021
According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production
of industry in August 2021 increased compared
to July 2021 by 0.6 % and compared to that recorded
in the corresponding month of the previous year -
by 9.5%.
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Index numbers of sold production of industry in August 2021
In August 2021, sold production of industry was by 13.2% higher than in August 2020, when an increase was recorded by 1.5% as compared to the previous year, whereas in comparison with July 2021, it decreased by 2.5%.
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Price indices of construction and assembly production in August 2021
According to preliminary data, in August 2021 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 4.4%, and in comparison with July 2021 - by 0.7%.
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Residential construction in the period of January-August 2021
In the period of I-VIII 2021, there were more dwellings
completed than the year before. The number of
dwellings for which permits have been granted or which
have been registered with a construction project as well
as dwellings in which construction has begun also
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Index numbers of construction and assembly production in August 2021
According to preliminary data, in August 2021, construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was by 10.2% higher than in the corresponding period of 2020 (a decrease of 12.0% the year before) and by 3.2% higher compared to July 2021 (a decrease by 3.4% the year before).
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Retail sales index - August 2021
In July 2021 retail sales at constant prices were by 5.4% higher than the year before (against an increase of 0.5% in August 2020). Compared with July 2021 retail sales decreased by 1.0%.
In the period of January-August 2021 retail sales y/y were by 7.3% higher (against a decrease of 3.5% in 2020).
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Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - September 2021
In most of presented kinds of activities general business climate indicator in September is at a similar level as in the previous month. In the majority of researched areas deterioration of “forecast” components has been reported, whereas “diagnostic” ones improve or do not change.
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Consumer tendency - September 2021
In September 2021, there was an improvement in both
current and future consumer sentiment moods compared
to the previous month. The current consumer confidence
indicator, synthetically describing the current
trends in individual consumption, was -13.0a which was
by 1.6 p.p. higher in relation to last month.
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Average income from activity in private farms in agriculture from 1ha fiscal in 2020
Average income from activity in private farms in agriculture from 1ha fiscal in 2020 was PLN 3819.
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Socio-economic situation of the country in August 2021
Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes taking place, among others, in the area of the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market), transport and foreign trade, as well as the situation in selected countries of the world.
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Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate. As at the end of August 2021
Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by macroregion, region and subregions. As at the end of August 2021.
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Production of major industrial products in August 2021
The quantity of production of selected industrial products manufactured by entities, in which the number of persons employed exceedies 49. The information relates to the production of finished products for sale, as well as for further processing inside the enterprise, produced from own and entrusted raw materials.
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Statistical Bulletin No 8/2021
Basic data and indicators describing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series – monthly, quarterly, annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries...
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Financial results of cultural institutions in 1st half of 2021
In the first half of 2021 financial results of cultural
institutions increased in comparison to results
obtained in the corresponding period of the previous
year. Total revenues increased by 0.5% during this
period. Investment outlays decreased by 6.8%.
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Production of industrial products related to the prevention of spreading / combating COVID-19 in August 2021
In August 2021 entities having 50 or more persons employed and participating in the monthly survey of production of industrial products, reported production of 2 542 807 face masks used in medicine and 5 135 805 other protective face masks.
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Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and by Poles abroad in the 2nd quarter of 2021
In the 1st half of 2021, the number of crossings of the Polish border amounted to 79.4 million. Compared to the same period of the previous year, a reduction in border traffic was recorded, both for foreigners (by 11.3%) and Poles (by 4.9%).
The values of goods and services purchased in this period by foreigners in Poland (PLN 9.3 billion) and goods and services purchased by Poles abroad (PLN 5.2 billion) were lower than in the 1st half of 2020 by 22.5% and 11.8% respectively.
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Macroeconomic situation in Poland in the context of the world economic processes in 2020
Macroeconomic phenomena and selected social issues in Poland in the context of processes in the global economy, including European Union countries: macroeconomic situation, labour markets, public finance sector, financial markets. The course of processes over a year 2020 as well as in a longer time perspective.
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Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2021 (September 2021)
Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.
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Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. July 2021
Tourists (domestic and foreign) in tourist accommodation establishments possesing 10 or more bed places in 2021.
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Transport - activity results in 2020
Information on: types of transport, traffic network (by voivodships), transport fleet (by type) and registered vehicles (by type of vehicles and voivodships), goods and passenger transport (by types of transport and direction)...
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Management of non-profit organizations in 2019
The synthetic publication presenting results of a study human resources and information management in the non-profit organizations. The research entities include associations and similar organizations, foundations, faith-based charities and business and professional associations. The executive board characteristics, personnel motivating, planning and communications with the external environments, shell be presented, as well as synthetic indicators of management professionalism.
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Intermodal transport in Poland in 2020
Social Protection Satellite Account
The report "Social Protection Satellite Account" presents the methodology of the social protection satellite account. On its basis the early estimate of the satellite account in Poland as of 2015 was calculated.
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Social assistance, child and family services in 2020
Basic information characterizing stationary social welfare facilities. Selected data on beneficiaries and amounts of monetary and non-monetary benefits of social assistance granted on the basis of a decision. Data regarding benefits for families.
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Gross domestic product and gross value added in the regions breakdown in 2019
In 2019, more than 1/2 of the national value of gross
domestic product was generated in the 5 regions:
Warszawski stołeczny, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie,
Dolnośląskie and Małopolskie.
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Telecommunications in 2020
Characteristics: telecommunications data for 2020, including data on telecommunications enterprises, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, access to the Internet and pay TV.
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Household budget survey in 2020
The publication contains the results of the household budget survey conducted in 2020. The study consist of methodoligical, analitical and tabular parts and the annex.
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Registered unemployment I-II quarter 2021
The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness, and the last job.The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.
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Family benefits in 2020
In 2020, PLN 10.8 billion was allocated to support families in Poland in the form of family benefits, and they were used on average by nearly 2.0 million beneficiaries monthly. Benefits from the alimony fund were paid in the total amount of PLN 1.1 billion. As part of the government programme "Family 500 plus" PLN 40.0 billion was spent on child-raising benefits.
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Paid employment, wages and salaries in the national economy in the first half of 2021
Employed persons, employees and their nominal and real wages and salaries.
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Publications of statistical offices
Statistical review of Warsaw – quarter 2/2021
Statistical Office in Warszawa
Basic information about geography, meteorology, environment, demography, health care, social welfare, prices, labour market, dwellings construction, economic units, transport, public safety, culture and finances. Moreover comparison of Warsaw with selected European and world cities.
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Pomorskie Voivodship in figures 2021
Statistical Office in Gdańsk
The folder presents basic statistical information regarding social-economic situation of Pomorskie Voivodship in 2020, among others data about environmental protection, population, labour market, wages and salaries, households, dwellings, education, health care, culture, tourism, agriculture, industry, construction, maritime economy, transport, trade, finances and entities of the national economy.
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Poznan - statistical bulletin - II quarter 2021
Statistical Office in Poznan
Poznan - statistical bulletin - 2th quarter 2021
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Household budgets in Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2020
Statistical Office in Warszawa
In 2020, despite the limitations related to the COVID-19 pandemic, an improvement in the financial situation of households was recorded. Compared to the previous year, households' income was higher, while their expenditure was lower. Consumption of the majority of basic foodstuffs increased and household equipment with new generation appliances increased. The subjective assessment of the material situation of households improved further.
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Statistical bulletin of Szczecin 2 quarter 2021
Statistical Office in Szczecin
Basic information characterizing the socio-economic situation of the city of Szczecin, incl. in the field of the labor market, wages, corporate finance, industry, construction, trade and public safety
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Socio-economic situation of Małopolskie Voivodship - August 2021
Statistical Office in Krakow
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Transport - activity results in 2020
Statistical Office in Szczecin
Information on types of transport, transport network (by voivodships), vehicle fleet (by vehicle types) and registered motor vehicles (by vehicle types and voivodships), cargo and passenger transport (by transport types and destinations),transshipment of intermodal transport units in intermodal terminals, reloading activities in sea ports (by cargo groups and ports) and airports (by airports), ship traffic (by ports and flags) and passenger traffic (by ports), car and passenger traffic at airports (by airports). Data on revenue, cost, employment and wages in transport. Information on: traffic of means of transport at border crossings (eastern border), road accidents and selected data on EU countries.
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Statistics of Warszawa - No. 8/2021
Statistical Office in Warszawa
Basic indices characterising the socio-economic situation of the Capital City of Warsaw, i.a. in terms of the labour market, and wages and salaries, industry, construction and trade. Information is characterized by an attractive form of graphics in the form of cartograms. Information is presented according to selected sections of PKD 2007.
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Economic activity of population in Mazowieckie Voivodshp in the second quarter of 2021
Statistical Office in Warszawa
In the second quarter of 2021, a decrease in the number of unemployed and economically inactive persons was recorded as well as an increase in the number of employed persons compared to the first quarter of 2021. There was also a decline in the ratio of not employed persons per employed persons.
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Socio-economic situation of Mazowieckie Voivodship in August 2021
Statistical Office in Warszawa
The news release contains basic information characterizing the processes taking place in the Mazowieckie voivodship, among others in the area of labour market, agriculture, industry, construction, trade and prices. The information is characterized by rich graphics in the form of maps and cartograms. Selected information is presented in cross-sections by sectors and selected sections and powiats.
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Podlaskie Voivodship in figures 2021
Statistical Office in Białystok
The booklet includes information on the state and protection of environment as well as the socio-economic situation of Podlaskie Voivodship in 2020. Selected data are presented by subregions and powiats.
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Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in figures 2021
Statistical Office in Olsztyn
Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in figures 2021
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Budgets of local government units in Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2020
Statistical Office in Warszawa
Local government units (JST) obtained revenue by 6.7% higher than in 2019. At the same time, expenditure increased by 6.9%. The result of budgets of local government units amounted to minus PLN 634.2 million compared to minus PLN 536.7 million in the previous year. The ratio of the deficit to total income was at the level of 1.3%.
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