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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Concise Statistical Yearbook of Poland 2024

Publication contains a comprehensive set of statistical information on the living standard of the population, the condition of the Polish economy and the state of the natural environment, including spatial conditions. Data for Poland are supplemented with selected information in the field of international comparisons. The publication is enriched with graphics and notes explaining the basic statistical categories and the most important legal and organisational changes in particular areas.
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Education in the school year 2023/2024 (preliminary data)

In the 2023/24 school year, there were 22.5 thousand pre-primary establishments (the same as in the 2022/23 school year) with a total of 1512.0 thousand children enrolled (respectively 1.4% fewer).
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Generation of young adults living with their parents in Poland

It is a thematic study devoted to the characteristics of the generation of young people living with their parents.
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Factoring operations of financial enterprises in 2023

In 2023, the study covered 46 entities conducting factoring activity.
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Price indices of residential premises in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024 prices of residential premises in Poland, compared to the fourth quarter of 2023, increased by 4.3%.
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Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician nr 6/2024

The 6/2024 issue of "Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician" was published on 1 July 2024.
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Real estate sales in 2023

In 2023, 510.9 thousand notarial deeds of real estate trading were signed (a year-on-year decrease of 3.8%).
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Foreigners performing work in Poland in January 2024

At the end of January 2024, the share of foreigners in the total number of people performing work was 6.5%. Foreigners performing work in January 2024 came from over 150 countries.
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Information on entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - June 2024

As at the end of June 2024 the REGON register included 5 230.6 thous. of national economy entities. The number of newly registered entities in June amounted to 28.8 thous., i.e. by 5.1% less than a month before.
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Production of industrial products in 2023

The value of sold production of own products by producers in 2023 decreased in relation to 2022 by 5,6% and amounted to 1 775.5 billion PLN.
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Activity of credit intermediation enterprises in 2023

In 2023, the survey covered 212 entities conducting credit intermediation activity and granting loans from own funds.
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Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system

The goal of the study is to present the methodology of research on institutional and family foster care and day-support centres providing care and education to children as well as the youths who are entirely or partially deprived of care and support from their natural families.
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Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-May 2024

Foreign trade turnover[1] in January - May 2024 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 627.2 bn, while in imports - PLN 609.2 bn. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 18.1 bn, while in the same period of 2023 year amounted to PLN 24.1 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of last year exports decreased by 10.2%, and imports by 9.7%.
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Consumer price indices in June 2024

Consumer prices in June 2024, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 2,6% (with an increase of prices of services – by 6,1% and goods – by 1,3%).
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Employed persons in the national economy in entities with 5 or fewer employed persons in January 2024

As at the last day of January 2024, employed persons in entities with 5 or fewer employed persons accounted for 26.6% of the total employed persons in the national economy. Women accounted for 39.8% of this population.
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Industry - results of activity in 2023

Analysis of the phenomena occurring in one of the most important segments of the national economy, which is industry. The information contained in the publication concerns sold production, production of major products, employment, wages and salaries, price indices of sold production, new orders and turnover in industry, investment outlays, financial results and financial indicators in industry and industrial enterprises by amount of average monthly gross wages and salaries and by net turnover profitability indicator.
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Consumer tendency - July 2024

In July 2024, there was a deterioration in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month The current consumer confidence indicator, synthetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -14.0 which was by 2.0 p.p. lower in relation to last month.
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Physical education in Poland in 2023

In 2023, there were 69 sports associations in Poland. Compared to 2022, the number of competitors, coaches and instructors holding licences from the Polish sports associa-tions increased, whereas the number of Polish representatives and judges decreased.
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Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in June 2024

In June 2024, the average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared with June 2023 was lower by 0.4% and amounted to 6 484.5 thousand full-time equivalent employees.
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Price indices of sold production of industry in June 2024

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in June 2024 increased compared to May 2024 by – 0.1%, and dropped compared to the corresponding month of the previous year – by 6.1%.
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Index numbers of sold production of industry in June 2024

In June 2024, sold production of industry was by 0.3% higher than in June 2023, when a decrease was recorded by 1.6% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, whereas in comparison with May 2024, it increased by 3.2%.
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Price indices of construction and assembly production in June 2024

According to preliminary data, in June 2024 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 6.0%, as well as in comparison with May 2024 by 0.3%.
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Farm animals in 2023

Basic information on the animal population by species and by production and use groups at the end of the reporting periods in 2023. Development trends in rearing of animals and assessment of production possibilities, especially in the field of commercial production. Herd reproduction, losses in animal rearing.
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Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - July 2024

Indicators released in July show overall stabilisation of the economic situation. The assessments of both seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted general business climate indicator for most of presented kinds of activities are in fact at a similar or slightly higher level as compared to the ones presented in June. The situation positively stands out in information and communication section as well as wholesale trade, where business tendency is assessed better than in the previous month, however in transportation and storage section it is evaluated more negatively. In majority of studied areas, month-to-month level of "diagnostic" as well as "forecasting" components does not change or improves.
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Prices of agricultural products in June 2024

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products increased in June 2024 in comparison with the previous month (by 1.6%), while compared to the corresponding period of the last year decreased (by 6.6%).
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Residential construction in the period of January-June 2024

In the period of January-June 2024, there were less dwellings completed than the year before. Whereas the number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun increased.
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Index numbers of construction and assembly production in June 2024

According to preliminary data construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was in June 2024 by 8.9% lower than in the same period of 2023 (an increase of 1.6% the year before) and by 5.0% higher compared to May 2024 (an increa-se of 7.7% in the corresponding period of 2023).
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Retail sales index - June 2024

In June 2024 retail sales at constant prices were by 4.4% higher than the year before (against a decrease of 4.7% in June 2023). Compared with May 2024, an increase by 0.3% in retail sales was recorded. In the period of January-June 2024 sales increased y/y by 4.9% (against a decrease by 5.7% in corresponding period of 2023).
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Sales of prescription medicines in 2023

In 2023, 495.1 million prescriptions were issued, of which 96.6% were in electronic form, i.e. 0.8 percentage points more than in 2022.
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Area and population in the territorial profile in 2024

Basic information about current data on the area of the country (according to the territorial division as of 1 January 2024), population and population density (as of 31 December 2023, recalculated on 1 January 2024) at various levels of aggregation, resulting from changes introduced annually in the territorial division of the country and changes in the state of population. In addition to the tabular part, the publication contains among others, data sources, methodological notes and synthetic description of the data including a reference to the previous year.
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Socio-economic situation of the country in the first half of 2024

Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes taking place, among others, in the area of the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market), transport and foreign trade, as well as the situation in selected countries of the world. Moreover, information published quarterly concerns GDP estimates, demographic processes, financial results and investment outlays of non-financial enterprises.
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Production of major industrial products in June 2024

Basic information on volume production of major industrial products manufactured by entities with the number of persons employed 50 or more. The information relates to the production of finished products for sale, as well as for further processing inside the enterprise, produced from own and entrusted raw materials and production sold outside the enterprise regardless of the period of production.
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Statistical Bulletin No 6/2024

Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy areas (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market, transport) and foreign trade, as well as money supply, public finance, financial results of non-financial companies, as well as investment outlays.
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Prices of construction and assembly works and constructions in May 2024

Basic information on price indices of selected construction objects, i.e. buildings and civil and water engineering objects, including road and bridge objects. Price indices of selected construction and assembly works. Definitions of basic terms used in the publication, methodological notes, list and characteristics of representative objects. The publication is addressed to users using public statistics data in the field of prices indices in the construction sector.
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Business tendency survey in manufacturing, construction, trade and service 2000-2024 (July 2024)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.
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Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in February 2024

As at the last day of January 2024, there were 15 064.8 thousand employed persons in the national economy.
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Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. May 2024

Tourists (domestic and foreign) in tourist accommodation establishments possesing 10 or more bed places in May 2024.
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Inland water transport in Poland in 2023

Both the shape and the length of Poland's inland waterways network have remained almost unchanged for years, while the weight of the inland waterways freight by Polish fleet owners decreased. Factors that directly impacted the decline in inland waterways freight and transport performance, included inadequately developed waterways and unfavourable navigational conditions that determined the basic parameters of the fleet, i.e. the relatively low loading capacity of barges.
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Life expectancy of Poland in 2023

Analysis of population life tables according to sex and age, broken down into urban and rural areas. Average life expectancy by regions, voivodships and subregions. Analytical commentary with a graphic presentation, as well as a description of calculation methods.
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Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in 2023

Foreign trade turnover in 2023 according to final data in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 1 613.4 bn, while in imports - PLN 1 568.3 bn.
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National accounts by institutional sectors and sub-sectors 2019-2022

Analysis is the following elaboration of Polish national accounts by the institutional sectors. The publication includes detailed national accounts by the institutional sectors and sub-sectors for the years 2019-2022. Data has been compiled according to European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010) introduced by Regulation No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 21 May 2013.
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Labour force survey in Poland - quarter 1/2024

Basic information on the level of professional activity of the population, according to demographic and socio-economic features. The employed according to professional features, employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.
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Production of industrial products in 2023

Basic information on volume and value of production of selected industrial products manufactured in 2021 by entities with 10 and more persons employed.
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Financial results of investment funds in 2023

The value of assets held by investment funds at the end of December 2023 amounted to PLN 357.6 billion (an increase of 19.4% compared to the previous year).
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Preliminary estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024

The results of the preliminary production estimate for the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024 are as follows: - production of basic cereals with cereal mixtures is provisionally estimated at 25.6 million tonnes, i.e. about 4% less than last year's harvest; - rape and turnip rape production is estimated at about 3.4 million tons, i.e. about 9% less than last year's harvest; - the production of field vegetables is estimated at approximately 3.8 million tonnes, which is 2% higher than in the previous year; - it is estimated that the harvest of fruit from trees will be about 17% lower than last year and will amount approximately 3.6 million tonnes; - fruit production from fruit bushes and berry plantations is estimated at 501 thousand tonnes, which is more than 11% less than the harvest in 2023.
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Poland in the European Union 2024

Brochure presenting in a concise and transparent form a cross-sectional collection of information illustrating living standard and economy of Poland as compared to other European Union members. The publication in the form of charts, maps, tables and infographics covers key data from various thematic areas.
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Emergency rescue services activity in 2023

In 2023, fire brigades intervened in 486.1 thousand events. Interventions concerned 99.3 thousand fire events, 340.0 thousand local threats, and 46.9 thousand false alarms. 490 drowning accidents, of which 450 persons died, including 50 women, were reported to the Police. Water life rescue services carried out 1 412 rescue actions.
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Health care expenditure in 2021–2023

This document describes information on health care expenditure coming from two sources: results of the National Health Account (SHA2011), developed by Statistics Poland and public expenditures on health care, developed by the Ministry of Health.
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Flash estimate of the consumer price index in July 2024

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in July 2024, compared with the corre-sponding month of the previous year, increased by 4,2% (price index 104,2) and as relat-ed to the previous month increased by 1,4% (price index 101,4).
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Publications of statistical offices


Stationary social welfare facilities in Opolskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Opole

The current study presents data on stationary social welfare facilities operating in Opolskie Voivodship in 2023 compared to 2022, as well as in relation to 2015.
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Higher education in Opolskie Voivodship in the 2023/2024 academic year

Statistical Office in Opole

There were 17.4 thousand students in Opolskie Voivodship in the 2023/24 academic year, that is fewer by 0.8 thousand in relation to the previous academic year and by 5.6 thousand in comparison with 2015/16. In the 2022/23 academic year, 4.0 thousand graduates obtained a diploma, i.e. fewer by 13.0% compared to the previous academic year and by 40.0% in relation to the 2015/16 academic year.
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Living conditions of the population in the Łódzkie Voivodship. Edition 2024

Statistical Office in Lodz

Living conditions of the population in the Łódzkie Voivodship. Edition 2024
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Agriculture in Podlaskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Białystok

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Socio-economic situation of Białystok in 2023

Statistical Office in Białystok

The publication contains extensive statistical information concerning the demographic situation, the living conditions ofBialostokian inhabitants and the state of the economy of Białystok in 2023.
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Knowledge-based economy in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Szczecin

Data and indicators in the field of information society and science and technology statistics, concerning: use of information-telecommunication technology in enterprises, research and development activities (R&D), innovatvie activities of industry enterprises and in services' sector
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Tourism in Śląskie Voivodship in the years 2021-2023

Statistical Office in Katowice

The publication is once again released as part of the "Statistical analyses" publishing series. The study contains information on the characteristics and occupancy rate of tourist accommodation establishments in the territorial breakdown of the voivodship. Furthermore, the publication also presents information on i.a. location and natural value of the voivodship, transport infrastructure, cultural centres, sports and recreational facilities, health resort base, tourism organised by the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society and activity of the Volunteer Mountain Rescue Service groups. The study consists of the analytical part supplemented with a graphic presentation of data in the form of charts and maps as well as methodological notes.
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Tourism in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in years 2021–2023

Statistical Office in Olsztyn

Tourism in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in years 2021–2023
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Demographic situation of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Olsztyn

Demographic situation of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in 2023
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Education in Opolskie Voivodship in the 2023/2024 school year

Statistical Office in Opole

The study presents data on pre-primary establishments and all types of schools covered by the education system. Presented information was compiled on the basis of the Educational information system administered by the Ministry of Education and Science.
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Demographic situation of Wielkopolskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Poznan

The publication entitled ”Demographic situation of Wielkopolskie Voivodship in 2023” continues in terms of its scope, structure and form of presentation, the format of the previous edition. The major part of the review consists of the analytical commentary which covers a variety of demographic issues such as the current population and its distribution in the voivodship, basic population structures, the aging process, vital statistics, migration and demographic dynamics. The study was enriched by maps and charts illustrating of the various phenomena and trends. A summary of the most important demographic data is provided in the tabular part of the study in Excel format.
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Statistics of Warszawa - No. 6/2024

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Basic indices characterising the socio-economic situation of the Capital City of Warsaw, i.a. in terms of the labour market, and wages and salaries, industry, construction and trade. Information is characterized by an attractive form of graphics in the form of cartograms. Information is presented according to selected sections of PKD 2007.
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Socio-economic situation of Mazowieckie Voivodship in June 2024

Statistical Office in Warszawa

The news release contains basic information characterizing the processes taking place in the Mazowieckie voivodship, among others in the area of labour market, agriculture, industry, construction, trade and prices. The information is characterized by rich graphics in the form of maps and cartograms. Selected information is presented in cross-sections by sectors and selected sections and powiats.
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Publications outside official statistics

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