Preliminary estimate of the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024

The results of the preliminary production estimate for the main agricultural and horticultural crops in 2024 are as follows:
- production of basic cereals with cereal mixtures is provisionally estimated at 25.6 million tonnes, i.e. about 4% less than last year's harvest;
- rape and turnip rape production is estimated at about 3.4 million tons, i.e. about 9% less than last year's harvest;
- the production of field vegetables is estimated at approximately 3.8 million tonnes, which is 2% higher than in the previous year;
- it is estimated that the harvest of fruit from trees will be about 17% lower than last year and will amount approximately 3.6 million tonnes;
- fruit production from fruit bushes and berry plantations is estimated at 501 thousand tonnes, which is more than 11% less than the harvest in 2023.
The unfavourable impact on the development of crop production in the current year was mainly due to:
- frosts recorded in the second half of April (in places below 9°C) causing damage to some agricultural crops, as well as blossoming of fruit trees and bushes and berry plantations;
- rainfall deficit in the second half of April and May, causing excessive soil dryness in some areas and limiting the production capacity of many crops, including cereals;
- locally occurring extreme climatic phenomena in June and July, i.e. thunderstorms, hailstorms and storms accompanied by strong winds.
On the other hand, the following had a favourable impact:
- the sowing of cereals and rape at optimal agrotechnical dates;
- good growth and bushiness of winter crops in autumn 2023;
- good overwintering of crops (only 0.1% of the sown area of winter cereals was ploughed).