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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Gross Domestic Product in the first quarter of 2024. Preliminary estimate

Seasonally unadjusted gross domestic product (GDP) in the 1st quarter of 2023 was higher by 2.0% year-on-year comparision against the decrease of 0.4% in the corresponding quarter of 2023 (constant average prices of the previous year).
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Adult Education 2022

The results of the next edition of the international sample survey conducted on a sample of households based on the methodological guidelines of Eurostat, including methodological notes and a comprehensive analytical comment. The analysis of the outcomes allowed to determine the level of participation of adults (aged 18-69) in formal and non-formal education and informal learning.
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Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician nr 5/2024

The 5/2024 issue of "Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician" was published on 31 May 2024. The issue is available at
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Producer price indices for business services in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the producer prices for business services increased compared to the previ-ous quarter by 2.4%. Compared to the first quar-ter of 2023 they increased by 5.5%.
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Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants

Strategic noise maps for 2021 were developed within the framework of environmental monitoring. They illustrate the acoustic condition in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants. The maps provided the basis for the "Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants" survey which allowed i.a. to estimate the number of people exposed to road traffic, railway, aircraft and industrial noise exceeding the permissible sound levels.
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Financial results of cultural institutions in 2023

Assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of 31 December 2023 amounted to PLN 26,117.0 million. Total revenues were higher by 17.3%. Also total costs increased – by 17.2% in comparison to 2022.
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Methodological report - The demand for labour

The publication details the description of the methodology of labour market statistical surveys contained in the Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries. The report contains basic information about the survey, including a description of the purpose, statistical units and scope of data of the survey, characteristics of the data collection methodology, description of the variables obtained, organisation of the survey and presentation of the results.
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The demand for labour in the first quarter of 2024

There were 15.3% more job vacancies in Poland at the end of the first quarter of 2024 than at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023. The job vacancy rate increased by 0.11 percentage points (0.89%) compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.
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Accidents at work in the first quarter of 2024 - preliminary data

15,433 persons injured in accidents at work were reported in the first quarter of 2024, by 7.9% more than in 2023. The number of injured persons per 1,000 employed persons (the incidence rate) increased from 1.00 to 1.12.
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Information on entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - May 2024

As at the end of May 2024 the REGON register included 5 216.8 thous. of national economy entities. The number of newly registered entities in May amounted to 30.3 thous., i.e. by 10.8% less than a month before.
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Socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 1/2024

Analysis of data describing the socio-economic situation of the voivodships. Selected categories presented in dynamic, including conversations with average sizes for countries in quarterly periods and growing periods.
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Financial results of cultural institutions in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Both total revenues and total costs increased by 18.6% and investment outlays by 19.0% during this period.
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Financial results of enterprises in the 1st quarter of 2024

In the 1st quarter of 2024, total revenues surveyed enterprises amounted to 1 272.4 bn PLN and total costs of obtaining the revenues amounted to 1 223.6 bn PLN. Net financial result amounted to 37.0 bn PLN.
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The demand for labour in 2023

Number of employed persons and the number and structure of vacancies, including newly created and vacancies reported to labor offices. Information about newly created and liquidated jobs.
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Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-April 2024

Foreign trade turnover in January - April 2024 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 505.6 bn, while in imports - PLN 487.2 bn.
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Consumer price indices in May 2024

Consumer prices in May 2024, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 2,5% (with an increase of prices of services – by 6,2% and goods – by 1,2%).
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Blood donation in 2023

In 2023 blood donors amounted to 640.2 thousand. They donated 1 501.4 thousand blood donations and its components which is 74.2 thousand more donations than in previous year.
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Higher education in the 2023/24 academic year – preliminary data

As of 31 December 2023, there were 1,245.2 thousand people enrolled in higher education institutions in Poland, by 21.5 thousand more than in 2022.
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Energy efficiency in Poland 2012-2022

Poland's energy efficiency increased by 0.9% in 2022 compared to 2021. Between 2012 and 2022, the annual cumulative growth rate of energy efficiency amounted to 0.9%. Primary energy intensity of GDP decreased by an average of 2.6% per year during this period, while final energy intensity of GDP decreased by 2.4%. The fastest rate of energy efficiency improvement was observed in industry (by 1.9%).
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Social protection benefits in 2021

According to the data of the European system of integrated social protection statistics (ESSPROS), in Poland in 2021 the expenditures for social protection benefits amounted to 591.9 billion PLN, which accounted for 98.4% of total sum of expenditures for social protection.
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Public libraries in 2023

As of the end of 2023, 7,570 public libraries were operating in Poland, with 871 branches for children and youth and 751 library service points. Public libraries had 124.3 million volumes of collection. 5.3 million library users were recorded.
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Consumer tendency - June 2024

In June 2024, there was an improvement in the current consumer moods with a simultaneous deterioration in future consumer moods compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indicator, synthetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -12.0 which was by 1.8 p.p. higher in relation to last month.
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Out-patient health care in 2023

At the end of 2023, outpatient health care was carried out by 23.5 thousand outpatient departments and 3.2 thousand doctors and dentists practises providing services funded by public sources. During the year, 312.3 million doctors consultations and 34.9 million stomatological consultations were provided. Almost 9.5% of total doctors consultations in primary health care were provided via telephone.
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Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in May 2024

In May 2024, the average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared with May 2023 was lower by 0.5% and amounted to 6 487.7 thousand full-time equivalent employees.
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Outlays and results in industry - the 1st quarter 2024

Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays, current assets, the sources of financing of enterprises assets. Moreover, financial indicators and prices indices are presented as well as data on industrial enterprises by amount of average monthly gross wages and salaries and by net turnover profitability indicator.
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Price indices of sold production of industry in May 2024

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in May 2024 decreased compared to April 2024 by – 0.3%, as well as compared to the corresponding month of the previous year – by 7.0%.
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Index numbers of sold production of industry in May 2024

In May 2024, sold production of industry was by 1.7% lower than in May 2023, when a decrease was recorded by 3.4% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, whereas in comparison with April 2024, it decreased by 4.6%.
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Average paid employment, wages and salaries in the national economy in 2023 – preliminary data

According to preliminary data, the average paid employment in the national economy in 2023 was 11.0 million full-time equivalent employees. There were 0.1% more of them compared with the previous year.
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Price indices of construction and assembly production in May 2024

According to preliminary data, in May 2024 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 6.6%, as well as in comparison with April 2024 by 0.4%.
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Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - June 2024

In-depth questions about the current economic issues – assessment and expectations
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Prices of agricultural products in May 2024

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products decreased in May 2024 in comparison with the previous month (by 0.3%) as well as while compared to the corresponding period of the last year (by 11.3%).
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Prices of construction and assembly works and constructions in April 2024

Basic information on price indices of selected construction objects, i.e. buildings and civil and water engineering objects, including road and bridge objects. Price indices of selected construction and assembly works. Definitions of basic terms used in the publication, methodological notes, list and characteristics of representative objects. The publication is addressed to users using public statistics data in the field of prices indices in the construction sector.
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Residential construction in the period of January-May 2024

In the period of January-May 2024, there were less dwellings completed than the year before. Whereas the number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun increased.
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Index numbers of construction and assembly production in May 2024

According to preliminary data construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was in May 2024 by 6.5% lower than in the same period of 2023 (a decrease of 0.6% the year before) and by 7.0% higher compared to April 2024 (an increase of 12.2% in the corresponding period of 2023).
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Retail sales index - May 2024

In May 2024 retail sales at constant prices were by 5.0% higher than the year before (against a decrease of 6.8% in May 2023). Compared with April 2024, a decrease by 0.1% in retail sales was recorded. In the period of January-May 2024 sales increased y/y by 5.5% (against a decrease by 5.9% in corresponding period of 2023).
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Energy 2024

Folder containing basic information about producton and consumption of fuels, heat and electricity in 2023 in Poland.
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Socio-economic situation of the country in May 2024

Short-term analysis of phenomena and processes taking place, among others, in the area of the labour market, wages and salaries, prices, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market), transport and foreign trade, as well as the situation in selected countries of the world. Moreover, information published quarterly concerns GDP estimates, demographic processes, financial results and investment outlays of non-financial enterprises.
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Business tendency survey in manufacturing, construction, trade and service 2000-2024 (June 2024)

Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.
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Production of major industrial products in May 2024

Basic information on volume production of major industrial products manufactured by entities with the number of persons employed 50 or more. The information relates to the production of finished products for sale, as well as for further processing inside the enterprise, produced from own and entrusted raw materials and production sold outside the enterprise regardless of the period of production.
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Statistical Bulletin No 5/2024

Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual – regarding, among others, national accounts, demographics, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, basic national economy areas (agriculture, industry, construction, domestic market, transport) and foreign trade, as well as money supply, public finance, financial results of non-financial companies, as well as investment outlays.
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Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. April 2024

Tourists (domestic and foreign) in tourist accommodation establishments possesing 10 or more bed places in April 2024.
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Coincident and leading composite business cycle indicator, business cycle clcock. Series until April 2024

Analysis of business cycles based on complex (synthetic / aggregated) indicators synthetically describing the business cycle fluctuations in the entire economy, carried out as part of the work of experimental statisticsThe coincident (COINC) and leading (LEAD) aggregated business tendency index have been estimated. The coincident (simultaneous) index reflects the current business tendency, while the leading business tendency index shows the future business tendency at a specific time in advance.
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Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and by Poles abroad in the 1st quarter of 2024

In the 1st quarter of 2024, there was an increase in border traffic of foreigners by 2.4% and of Poles by 1.9%, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
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Tourism in 2023

Analysis of the basic data on the capacity and occupancy of tourist infrastructure in Poland, participation of Polish residents in tourism as well as on border traffic. Information on the occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments regarding Poles and foreign tourists. Selected indicators showing the location and occupancy of accommodation establishments and characterizing the spatial diversity of tourist potential in Poland.
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Paid employment, wages and salaries in the national economy in first quarter 2024

Basic information about employed persons, employees and their nominal and real wages and salaries.
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Construction results in 2023

The publication presents quantitative and qualitative analysis of construction activity presenting the most important aspects and main trends of observed phenomena regarding building permits and the results of construction, assessment of the situation in terms of the volume of decisions on building permits and the number and usable area of non-residential buildings, as well as dwellings for which building permits have been granted, broken down by types of construction, and for dwellings, also by forms of construction.
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Forestry in 2023

As of 31 December 2023, forest land area comprised 9495.7 thousand ha, with forest area amounting to 9294.9 thousand ha, which was 29.6% of the area of the country. In 2023, forest renewals covered 63.1 thousand ha and afforestation – 0.7 thousand ha. In 2023, in comparison with the previous year, a recorded decrease in total removals (by 6.7%) amounted to 41662.2 thousand m3 and timber removals, a drop by 6.7%, equalled 39846.0 thousand m3.
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Registered unemployment 1 quarter 2024

Basic information the number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices by place of residence, demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness. The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.
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Quarterly national accounts of gross domestic product 2019-2023

Basic information on national accounts by quarter. It covers quarterly estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) for the years 2019 – 2023 prepared in accordance with the rules of the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the European Union (ESA 2010), introduced by the Regulation No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 21 May 2013.
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Energy efficiency in years 2012–2022

Long-term analysis of energy efficiency trends by global and sectoral energy efficiency indicators (70). The indicators are a tool for assessing energy efficiency, both on a macro scale and in individual areas of the economy, allow for assessing the effects of actions and programs in the field of energy efficiency.
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Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, 7.1 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments, with 17.4 million overnight stays provided to them. Compared to the first quarter of 2023, the number of tourists staying in accommodation establishments increased by 0.7%, while the number of overnight stays provided to them increased by 0.3%.
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Municipal infrastructure – water supply and sewage system in 2023

In Poland in 2023 the length of the sewage network increased by 3.9 thousand km (by 2.2%), and the number of sewage connections to residential buildings by 114.8 thousand pcs (by 2.9%).
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Activity of leasing companies in 2023

The survey covered 84 enterprises conducting leasing activity in 2023. Throughout 2023, the surveyed enterprises concluded 599 thousand new lease agreements for 726 thousand of items (assets) leased. The value of concluded contracts in 2023 amounted to PLN 84.2 bil-lion.
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Environment in 2023

In 2023, a decrease was noticed in water withdrawal for the needs of the national economy and population (by approximately 12%) and the amount of generated industrial and municipal wastewater (by approximately 13%) compared to the previous year. There was a reduction of emission of particulate pollutants from plants of significant nuisance to air quality by 21% and gaseous pollutants of more than 15%. There was a reduction of the amount of total waste generated by 4% - there was a decline of industrial waste by 5%.
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Selected entrepreneurship indicators in 2018–2022

Long-term analysis of the entities with different growth potential, such as high-growth, growth, stable, declining and rapidly declining, distinguished from the population of non-financial enterprises with 10 or more persons employed, that keep books of accounts. Basic data including revenues, costs, outlays on tangible fixed assets, total fixed assets, number of persons employed, wages and salaries as well as selected indicators were presented for these groups. Moreover, for the population of non-financial active, newly-born (“births”) and liquidated (“deaths”) non-financial enterprises there were presented basic variables from the business demography.
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Financial results of investment fund companies in 2023

The value of total assets acumulated by investment fund companies at the end of 2023 amounted to PLN 3.2 billion and was by 18.7% higher than at the end of the previous year.
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Daily time use for population in 2023

In 2023, another Time Use Survey was conducted. It provided information about the use of time available to Polish residents in various areas of life.
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Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in January 2024

As at the last day of January 2024 in the national economy there were 15 064.8 thousand employed persons. The mean age was 42.7 years, the median age was 42.0 years.
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Value chains of domestic enterprises in 2022

At the end of 2022, most (78.7%) of the surveyed enterprises with 10 or morepersons employed performed business functions only internally and did not source them outside.
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Input - output table at basic prices in 2020

This survey provides information on all resources of Polish economy by national and imported products and about uses of this resources for intermediate consumption, for consumption by households, consumption by general government and consumption by non-profit institutions serving households, gross capital formation, changes in inventories and valuables and exports.
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Working conditions in 2023

Basic information characterising working conditions in Poland, such as the number of persons exposed to hazards at work, risks arising from the work environment, strenuous work and mechanical factors associated with particularly dangerous machinery, as well as the occupational risk.
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Economic poverty rates in Poland in 2023

The year 2023 saw a marked increase in the extent of extreme poverty (by 2 p.p. to 6.6% of people in households). The extent of relative poverty remained at a similar level to the previous year (12.2% - a minimal increase of 0.5 p.p.). The year 2023 saw a marked increase in the extent of extreme poverty (by 2 p.p. to 6.6% of people in households). The extent of relative poverty remained at a similar level to the previous year (12.2% - a minimal increase of 0.5 p.p.). On the other hand, the extent of legal poverty decreased (by about 2 p.p. to 4.1%) with the same thresholds for this type of poverty as a year earlier. These changes followed a period of high inflation in 2022 and a period of gradual reduction in 2023.
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Flash estimate of the consumer price index in June 2024

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in June 2024, compared with the corre-sponding month of the previous year, increased by 2,6% (price index 102,6) and as relat-ed to the previous month increased by 0,1% (price index 100,1).
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Seasonal adjustment - Average paid employment and average monthly gross wages and salaries

Seasonal adjustment - Average paid employment and average monthly gross wages and salaries
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Publications of statistical offices


Statistical Review of Warsaw - quarter 1/2024

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Basic information about geography, meteorology, environment, demography, health care, social welfare, prices, labour market, dwellings construction, economic units, transport, public safety, culture and finances. Moreover comparison of Warsaw with selected European and world cities.
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Statistical bulletin of Poznań (quarter 1/2024)

Statistical Office in Poznan

Statistical bulletin of Poznań (quarter 1/2024)
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Tourism in Opolskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Opole

The study presents the results of the survey on the occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in Opolskie Voivodship in 2023 in comparison to 2022. The study has covered tourist accommodation establishments with 10 or more bed places.
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Agriculture in Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Warszawa

In 2023, the sown area of total cereals, rape and turnip rape as well as sugar beets increased, while the sown area of potatoes dereased. Compared to 2022, the production of field vegetables and tree friut decreased as well as the production of berry fruit. In December 2023, there was an annual increase in the number of cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry in total.
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Emergency medical care in Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Warszawa

In 2023, emergency rescue teams provided health services in the place of occurrence to 385.3 thousand persons. In the admission rooms or hospital emergency wards, 612.6 thousand persons received out-patient medical services. In hospital emergency wards, 238.8 thousand persons were treated in stationary mode.
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Statistical bulletin of Szczecin 01 quarter 2024

Statistical Office in Szczecin

Basic information characterizing the socio-economic situation of the city of Szczecin, incl. in the field of the labor market, wages, corporate finance, industry, construction, trade and public safety
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Families in Podlaskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Białystok

The presented publication is a thematic study devoted to the characteristics of households, families and population constituting them.
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Demographic situation of Podlaskie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Białystok

The publication presents an analysis of the demographic situation of the region in 2023 against the background of the previous year, and selected information has been shown in retrospection from 2000.
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Housing conditions in Podlaskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Białystok

This publication is a thematic elaboration on housing conditions of population. It contains information regarding the number of buildings with dwellings according to their types as well as data on building construction age, the form of ownership, the size of dwelling buildings and equipment of the dwellings with basic technical and sanitary installations.
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Families in Pomorskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Gdańsk

The study contains a set of information on the number, size, family and generational composition of households, as well as the number and types of families, including families with dependent children up to 24 years of age.
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Housing conditions in Pomorskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Gdańsk

The study consists of two chapters. The first chapter contains a set of information on the number of inhabited residential buildings by type, ownership, age and size, as well as the basic utility systems installed in the building. The second chapter presents data regarding the dwelling stock in the Voivodship, in particular inhabited dwellings, as well as information concerning the quality aspects of the housing stock, namely the size, ownership and age of dwellings, technical and sanitary systems installed in dwellings, as well as housing conditions of the population.
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Families in Łódzkie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Lodz

This study presents the results of the National Census of Population and Housing which has been conducted from 1 April to 30 September 2021, as of the state on March 31, 2021, devoted to the demographic and social characteristics of households and families. The study contains information on the number, size and generational composition of households.
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Housing conditions in Łódzkie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Lodz

The publication presents the results of the 2021 National Population and Housing Census, which was carried out in Poland from April 1 to September 30, 2021, as of the state on March 31, 2021.
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Families in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Olsztyn

Families in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021
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Housing conditions in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Olsztyn

Housing conditions in Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021
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Housing conditions in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the light of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021

Statistical Office in Poznan

The publication Housing conditions in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the light of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021 focuses on the housing stock and provides information about buildings located in the voivodship on the reference data, i.e. March 31, 2021 and the type of dwellings found in them.
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Families in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the light of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021

Statistical Office in Poznan

The publication Families in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the light of the National Census of Population and Housing 2021 focuses on demographic and social characteristics of households and families. The volume contains information about the number, size, family and generational composition of households.
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Economic activity of population in Mazowieckie Voivodship in the first quarter of 2024

Statistical Office in Warszawa

In Q1 2024, there was an increase in the number of unemployed persons and a decrease in employed persons compared to Q4 2023. Unemployed men looked for a job longer than women, and unemployed urban residents shorter than rural residents.
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Children in Mazowieckie voivodship in 2022

Statistical Office in Warszawa

The Statistical Office in Warszawa has prepared the next edition of the publication “Children in Mazowieckie Voivodship” using data coming from statistical surveys as well as from administrative sources. The information presented in graphical form with short analytical comments concern: demographic phenomena, the child’s place in the family and beyond, supporting families with dependent children, social care, health and medical care, education and upbringing, culture and leisure, as well as threats to health and life. In order to show the diversity within the region, selected data were presented at the level of urban areas, rural areas and powiats. The publication ends with a comparison of Mazovia with other voivodships in the country, as illustrated by numerous charts.
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Out-patient health care in Mazowieckie Voivodship in 2023

Statistical Office in Warszawa

At the end of 2023, out-patient health care was carried out by 3570 out-patient departments and 205 medical and dental practices providing services funded by public sources. In 2023, 56.4 milllion out-patient consultations were provided — 50.4 million medical and 5.9 million dental consultations.
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Families in Mazowieckie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Families in Mazowieckie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021
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Housing conditions in Mazowieckie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021

Statistical Office in Warszawa

Housing conditions in Mazowieckie Voivodship in the light of the National Population and Housing Census 2021
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Socio-economic situation of Mazowieckie Voivodship in May 2024

Statistical Office in Warszawa

The news release contains basic information characterizing the processes taking place in the Mazowieckie voivodship, among others in the area of labour market, agriculture, industry, construction, trade and prices. The information is characterized by rich graphics in the form of maps and cartograms. Selected information is presented in cross-sections by sectors and selected sections and powiats.
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Publications outside official statistics

No publications.
