Environment in 2023

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In 2023, a decrease was noticed in water withdrawal for the needs of the national economy[1] and population (by approximately 12%) and the amount of generated industrial and municipal wastewater (by approximately 13%) compared to the previous year. There was a reduction of emission of particulate pollutants from plants of significant nuisance to air quality by 21% and gaseous pollutants of more than 15%. There was a reduction of the amount of total waste generated by 4% - there was a decline of industrial waste by 5%.

In 2023, there was decrease in water withdrawal observed, for needs of the national economy and population compared to the previous year from 9.4 km3 to 8.3 km3. The largest share of water withdrawal (approximately 65%) was for production purposes (5.4 km³, compared to 6.4 km³ in 2022). There was decrease (18%) in the amount of water withdrawal for the purposes of electric power generation, transmission and distribution compared to the previous year. Water withdrawal for the purpose of filling in and refilling fishponds and for the purpose of exploitation of water supply network did not significantly change compared to 2022. The amounts of water withdrawn were 0.8 km³ and 2.1 km³ respectively.

The main source of water supply for the national economy was surface water. In 2023, the withdrawal of surface water amounted to 6.5 km³ and it covered 78% of the needs. Surface water was mainly used for production purposes in industry. The withdrawal of groundwater was approximately 1.8 km³ and has increased compared to 2022 by approximately 1%.

[1] Excluding agriculture and forestry

