Retail sales index - August 2022

In Agust 2022 retail sales1 at constant prices were by 4.2% higher than the year before (against an increase of 5.4% in August 2021). Compared with July 2022 retail sales increased by 1.0%. In the period of January-August2 2022, the same increase in sales was recorded as in the previous year – by 7.3%.
In August 2022, an increase in retail sales (at constant prices) compared with the corresponding period of 2021 was recorded by units from the groups: “pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, orthopaedic equipment” (by 13.7%), “others” (by 10.9%), “textiles, clothing, footwear” (by 8.4%) and “food, beverages and tobacco products” (by 7.4%). The deepest decline in sales was reported by units trading in solid, liquid and gaseous fuels (by 14.2%).