Index numbers of industrial and construction-assembly production in August 2018

In August of 2018, sold production of industry was by 5.0% higher than in August of 2017, whereas an increase of 20.0% was reported in construction-assembly production. In the period January-August of 2018, sold production of industry was by 6.6% higher than in the corresponding period of 2017 which saw a 6.2% increase, whereas construction-assembly production was by 20.6% higher than in the corresponding period of 2017 which saw a 12.5% increase.
According to the preliminary data, sold production of industry in constant prices (in enterprises employing more than 9 persons), in August of 2018, was by 5.0% higher than in the previous year (when an increase of 8.8% was recorded) and by 0.8% higher than in July of 2018. After eliminating the seasonal factors, sold production of industry reached the level higher by 5.0% than in the corresponding month of 2017 and by 0.5% higher as compared to July of 2018.
As compared to August of 2017, an increase in sold production was reported in 28 (out of 34) industry divisions, among others, in manufacture of other transport equipment (by 30.5%), manufacture of machinery and equipment (by 17.7%), manufacture of electrical equipment (by 16.6%), manufacture of basic metals (by 8.4%), manufacture of paper and paper products (by 8.3%), manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products (by 8.2%), manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products (by 7.9%). A decrease in sold production of industry, as compared to August of 2017, was recorded in 6 divisions, among others, in manufacture of pharmaceutical products (by 18.9%), manufacture of leather and related products (by 10.1%), manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products (by 1.4%).