Financial results of cultural institutions in period January-December 2019

In 2019 financial results of cultural institutions were better compared to results in the same period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 5.5% and investment outlays increased by 21.0%.
Total revenues (revenues from the whole activity) of surveyed cultural institutions in 2019 were 5.5% higher than revenues generated in the previous year and amounted to 10 203.9 million PLN.
The structure of the revenues was composed of: net revenues from sales of products, goods and materials (92.0%), other operating revenues (7.9%) and financial revenues (0.1%). The highest total revenues were generated by institutions in mazowieckie voivodship (25.0% share), followed by małopolskie (11.9%) and śląskie (10.3%).
Total costs (costs of obtaining revenues from the whole activity) in 2019 were 5.0% higher than in the previous year and amounted to 10 064.1 million PLN. The structure of these costs was composed of: operating costs (99.1%), other operating costs (0.8%), financial costs (0.1%). As in case of total revenues, the highest total costs were incurred by units from mazowieckie voivodship (25.5%).