Financial results of cultural institutions in the first half of 2023

In the first half of 2023, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.4% and investments outlays increased by 15.1% during this period.
Total revenues of cultural institutions in the first half of 2023 were 17.4% higher than in the previous year and amounted to PLN 6,775.8 million. The structure of the revenues was composed of net revenues from sales of products, goods and materials (92.9%), other operating revenues (6.8%) and financial revenues (0.3%). More than 25% of the total revenues were generated by cultural institutions from Mazowieckie Voivodship.
On average total revenues per one cultural institution amounted to PLN 1,440.7 thousand. The highest total revenues per one institution were achieved by cultural institutions in Mazowieckie Voivodship – PLN 2,638.2 thousand and the lowest in Lubelskie Voivodship – PLN 703.9 thousand. Total revenues of national cultural institutions in the first half 2023 amounted to PLN 1,225.9 million, while total revenues of local government cultural institutions amounted to PLN 5,549.9 million. Entities conducting operation of arts facilities had the largest share in total revenues of all cultural institutions – 40.7%.