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Editorial Title-Plan of the Statistics Poland and RSO

Publication announcements

No. Type Document title Date of publication
31 Publication Methodological report Labour market demand for employees by occupation 26.07.2024
32 Publication Methodological report. Monthly activity report of enterprises 01.10.2019
33 Publication Methodological report Nature protection 18.05.2020
34 Publication Methodological report. Non-financial enterprises surveys 2019 25.02.2019
35 Publication Methodological report. Non-profit organizations: associations, foundations, business and professional associations and faith-based charities 16.12.2019
36 Publication Methodological report. Nurseries and children’s clubs 22.08.2022
37 Publication Methodological report Price indices of exports and imports 27.05.2022
38 Publication Methodological report. Research and experimental development 30.09.2022
39 Publication Methodological report. Social assistance beneciaries 22.03.2019
40 Publication Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries 22.03.2023
41 Publication Methodological report Structure of wages and salaries by occupations 07.10.2020
42 Publication Methodological report. Supporting the family and foster care system 11.07.2024
43 Publication Methodological report Vital statistic. Balances of population 18.01.2019
44 Publication Methodological report Wages and salaries in the national economy 30.03.2020
45 Publication Methodological report. Working conditions - exposure to risk factors at work 20.03.2024
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