Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-February 2024

Foreign trade turnover in January - February 2024 in exports at current prices amounted to PLN 247.8 bn, while in imports - PLN 237.6 bn. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 10.2 bn, while in the same period of 2023 year amounted to PLN 8.2 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of last year exports decreased by 10.0%, and imports by 11.1%.

Publication Revitalization in gminas in 2020-2022

The publication is the first in a series of Statistical Analyses on revitalisation in gminas.

Statistics in focus Information on entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - March 2024

As at the end of March 2024 the REGON register included 5 188.2 thous. of national economy entities. The number of newly registered entities in March amounted to 32.8 thous., i.e. by 15.5% less than a month before.

Publication Socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 4/2023

Analysis of data describing the socio-economic situation of the voivodships. Selected categories presented in dynamic, including conversations with average sizes for countries in quarterly periods and growing periods.

The monograph Current challenges in survey research: Graham Kalton on probability and nonprobability sampling, Malay Ghosh on small area estimation, with comments

The monograph entitled Current challenges in survey research: Graham Kalton on probability and nonprobability sampling, Malay Ghosh on small area estimation, with comments, under the scientific editing of Włodzimierz Okrasa and Dominik Rozkrut (volume 5 of the Statistical Research Papers series), celebrates the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Statistics in Transition new series journal and the publication of its 100th issue.

Statistics in focus Accidents at work in 2023 - preliminary data

68,663 persons injured in accidents at work were reported in 2023, by 3.1% more than in 2022. The number of injured persons per 1,000 employed persons (the incidence rate) increased from 4.66 to 4.90.

Information note Foreigners performing work in Poland in October 2023

At the end of October 2023, the share of foreigners in the total number of people performing work was 6.6%. Foreigners performing work in October 2023 came from over 150 countries.

Statistics in focus Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in 2023

In 2023, 36.2 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments, with 92.8 million overnight stays. Compared to 2022, it was more by 5.8% and 3.2%, respectively. The occupancy rate of bed places in all tourist accommodation establishments in 2023 amounted to 40.5% and was higher by 0.1 percentage point compared to the previous year.

Publication Regional development of Poland - analytical report 2023

An analytical publication on the regional development of Poland (fourth edition), is prepared for the purposes of monitoring the National Strategy for Regional Development 2030. It covers the diagnosis of phenomena related to the monitoring of environmental threats, demographic processes, conditions for the development of human and social capital, economy and infrastructure, as well as the administrative potential of local governments (including their financial condition, territory space management). Provides a summary of the last year available and a retrospective from 2011, also with regard to 16. Reports on the socio-economic situation of voivodships, issued by regional statistical offices.

Publication Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician nr 3/2024

The 3/2024 issue of "Wiadomości Statystyczne. The Polish Statistician" was published on 2 April 2024. The issue is available at
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