Statistics in focus Consumer tendency - November 2020

In November 2020, there was a deterioration in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indicator, synthetically describing the current trends in individual consumption, was -29.2a which was by 9.2 p.p. lower in relation to last month.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-September 2020

Foreign trade turnover1 in the January – September this year according to exports at current prices amounted to PLN 746.3 bn, while imports amounted to PLN 712.9 bn. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 33.4 bn, while in the same period of 2019 year amounted to PLN 2.3 bn. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2019, both exports and imports decreased by 1.8% and 5.9% respectively.

Publication Housing economy and municipal infrastructure in 2019

Condition of housing resources and housing conditions – furnishing apartments with technical and sanitary facilities. Commune land for housing construction and housing allowances paid in 2019 by municipalities to users of residential premises.

Publication Production of industrial products in 2015–2019

Manufactured production and sold production of selected industrial classified to section Mining and quarrying and section Manufacturing. The production of selected industrial products in Poland compared to other European Union countries.

Publication Retirement and other pensions in 2019

Presentation of changes concerning the number of beneficiaries, gross benefits, average gross benefit by type (retirement, disability pension, survivors' pensions), dynamics of observed changes and relation to average monthly wages - within the non-agricultural social security system (integration SII, MDN, MIA and MJ) as well as the individual farmers' insurance system (ASIF data).

Statistics in focus Occupancy of tourist accommodation establish ments in Poland in June and July 2020

In July and August 2020, 1.5 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments located in coastal areas, and 7.3 million overnight stays were provided for them. Compared to the same period last year, the number of tourists was 14.3% lower, and the number of overnight stays was 18.9% lower.

Communique/Announcements Communication on price index of consumer goods and services in October 2020

The price index of consumer goods and services in October 2020 as related to September 2020 amounted to 100.1 (price increase of 0.1%).

Statistics in focus Consumer price indices in October 2020

Consumer prices in October 2020 compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 3,1% (with an increase of prices of services – by 7,3% and goods – by 1,5%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 0,1% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 0,2% and services – by 0,1%).

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter of 2020

According to the flash estimate, gross domestic product (GDP) in volume terms seasonally unadjusted was lower by 1.6% in the 3rd quarter of 2020 year-to-year against 4.4% increase in the corresponding period of 2019.
1    280  281  282  283  284  285  286  287  288    583
