Publication Research and experimental development in Poland in 2019

Data and indicators regarding research and experimental development (R+D), expenditures on R&D sources of funds on R&D, foreign funds on R&D personnel research equipment, types of R&D.

Statistics in focus Provisional estimates of gross domestic product in regional breakdown in 2019

In 2019, more than 1/2 of the national value of gross domestic product was generated in 5 regions: Warszawski stołeczny, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Małopolskie.In 2019, more than 1/2 of the national value of gross domestic product was generated in 5 regions: Warszawski stołeczny, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Małopolskie.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Poland 2020

The most comprehensive publication of Statistics Poland with key statistical data on Poland, as well as major regional differences and international comparisons. The presented data enable a complex description of the socio-economic situation of the country including retrospective comparisons. It is a compendium of information on, among others, population, labour market, education, living conditions, economy and business, as well as environment and natural resources, reflecting a rich collection of statistics gathered and shared by official statistics.

Publication Fixed assets in national economy in 2019

The purpose of the publication is to present information for 2018 about the results of the statistical surveys concerning value, indices and structure of investment outlays (part I) and fixed assets (part II). Aparta from the tables, the publication covers also methodological and analitical notes.

Publication Demographic situation in Poland up to 2019. International migration of population in 2000–2019

Analytical information on the demographic processes in recent years and on the demographic situation in 2019 (changes in the number and structure of population, general information on births, marriages, divorces, separations, deaths and population migrations).

Table Basic data from Labour Force Survey (LFS) seasonally adjusted in years 2010-2020

Basic data from Labour Force Survey (LFS) seasonally adjusted in years 2010-2020

Publication International Statistics Yearbook 2020

You are welcome to read the International Statistics Yearbook 2020, which consists of two parts "World. Regions. Groups of countries” and tables by subject. It contains information on the socio-economic development of the world, continents, economic groups and selected countries, including Poland, which allows to describe trends in the world economy.

Publication Foreign Trade 2020. Poland in the world

Information on foreign trade turnover will present trends, comparisons in time and space, and an analytical description of phenomena occurring in foreign trade.

Publication Registered unemployment I-III quarter 2020

The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness, and the last job.The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.

Publication Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in I-III quarters of 2020

Employed persons, employees and their nominal and real wages and salaries.
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