Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in April 2023 - Tables
Statistics Poland, thanks to the use of administrative data sources, has broadened the scope and increased the frequency of information on employed persons in the national economy.
Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in April 2023
As at the last day of April 2023, there were 15 148,5 thousand employed persons in the national economy.
The average age and median age of employed persons in the national economy were similar. The average age was 42.5 years and the median age was 42.0 years.
Universities of the third age in the 2021/2022 academic year
This survey provides information on the Universities of the Third Age (U3A), including educational, integrating activities and those promoting active living. The data presented in the publication include the types of courses taught, funding sources, cooperation with external bodies, the situation of the U3A during the COVID 19 pandemic, as well as the information about the students, lecturers and people performing organisational work at the U3A.
Family benefits paid to Ukrainian citizens in 2022
In 2022, PLN 130.5 million was allocated to support Ukrainian citizens in the form of family benefits, which accounted for 1.1% of the total amount of family benefits paid to both Polish and Ukrainian citizens. 64.4% was paid for the payment of family allowances with supplements. The care capital in the amount of PLN 97.2 million was also paid, and under the government programme "Family 500+" PLN 1737.1 million was allocated for the child-raising benefit.
Transport - activity results in 2022
Information on: types of transport, traffic network (by voivodships), transport fleet (by type) and registered vehicles (by type of vehicles and voivodships), goods and passenger transport (by types of transport and direction)...
Registered unemployment 1-2 quarter 2023
The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices broken down by demographic and socio-economic characteristics, duration of joblessness, and the last job.The data concerning unemployment fluctuation: inflow and outflow by various reasons. Unemployment rate for Poland, as well as for the European Union.
Gross domestic product and gross value added in regional breakdown in 2021
In 2021, more than 1/2 of the national value of gross domestic product was generated in the 5 regions: Warszawski stołeczny, Śląskie, Wielkopolskie, Dolnośląskie and Małopolskie.
Family benefits in 2022
In 2022, PLN 11.4 billion was allocated to support families in the form of family benefits. PLN 1.2 billion was spent on social security and health insurance contributions. In addition, PLN 3.5 billion was paid out from the family care capital, and PLN 1.4 billion under the "Good Start" programme. The Large Family Card was held by 1.5 million families. The total amount of alimony fund benefits paid was nearly PLN 1 billion. Under the government's "Family 500 plus" programme, PLN 41.9 billion was transferred for child-raising benefits.
Telecommunications in 2022
Characteristics: telecommunications data for 2022, including data on telecommunications enterprises, fixed telephony, mobile telephony, access to the Internet and pay TV.