Statistics in focus Employed persons in the national economy in Poland in June 2023

As at the last day of June 2023, there were 15 139.4 thousand employed persons in the national economy.

Publication Production of industrial products in 2018–2022

Long-term analysis of manufactured and sold production of selected industrial products, classified to two section of CPA Rev.2.1 Products of mining and quarrying and Manufactured products, produced by enterprises with 10 and more persons employed, as well as production of selected products in Poland compared to other European Union countries.

Statistics in focus Disabled people in 2022

In December 2022 in Poland there were 2.3 million persons receiving old-age and other pension benefits or reported for insurance to the Social Insurance Institution by social contribution payers, who had a certificate of disability, a certificate of level of disability (issued by the medical examination committees) or a certificate of inability to work (issued by the Social Insurance Institution).

Publication Materials management in 2022

Analysis of the phenomena related to supply and use of selected materials in terms of quantity, by CPA Rev.2.1, including consumption and stocks of materials and turnover of wastes suitable for recycling.

Publication Agriculture in 2022

An evaluation of situation in in agriculture in terms of changes in the production - economic conditions and production results (harvest quantity, trends in changes of farm animals population as well as the level of production and market supply of animal products), including consumption of means of production. Presentation of foreign trade turnover of basic agricultural products.

Statistics in focus Forest accounts in Poland in 2021

According to the methodology of the European Forest Accounts (EFA), the value of gross output of forestry and logging division in Poland in 2021 amounted to PLN 25.8 billion, which was an increase in comparison with the previous year by 14.9% (in current prices).

Publication Accidents at work in 2022

Accidents at work of persons employed in the national economy, excluding budgetary entities conducting activity within the scope of national defence and public safety for which the data concern only civilian employees.

Statistics in focus Investment outlays and fixed assets in national economy in 2022

The growth of investment outlays in national economy increased in comparison with the previous year by 5.5%. The gross value of fixed assets increased (in constant prices) by 3.5%.

Publication Real estate sales in 2022

Information on the number and values of purchase/sale transactions of real estate, as well as the surface of sold real estate with regard to residential and non-residential dwellings, housing real estate and land real estate.

Statistics in focus Gross Domestic Product in the third quarter of 2023. Preliminary estimate

Seasonally unadjusted gross domestic product (GDP) in the 3rd quarter of 2023 was higher by 0.5% year-on-year comparision against the increase of 4.1% in the corresponding quarter of 2022 (constant average prices of the previous year).
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