Studies related to COVID-19

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Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - January 2024

In January the assessments of general business climate indicator (both seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted) in most of presented kinds of activities are at a higher or similar level as compared to the ones presented in December. In all areas, the indicator is below the long-term mean . In majority of studied areas, month-to-month level of "diagnostic" as well as "forecasting" components improves or does not change.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - December 2023

In December the assessments of general business climate indicator in all of presented kinds of activities (apart from accommodation and food service activities section) are at a similar or lower level as compared to the ones presented in November.

Statistics in focus Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January-September 2023

The financial results of cultural institutions for the three quarters of 2023 were higher compared to those obtained in the same period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.1% during this time, and capital expenditures by 20.5%.

Statistics in focus The demand for labour in the third quarter of 2023

In Poland, at the end of the third quarter of 2023, there were 111.2 thousand job vacancies (1.8% fewer than at the end of the second quarter of the current year). The largest annual decrease in the number of job vacancies occurred in the Information and communication section. The job vacancy rate decreased by 0.18 percentage points (0.89%) compared with the third quarter of 2022.

Publication Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2023

The Yearbook contains the basic information on the numbers and structure of the population of Poland in 2022, and retrospective data prepared on the basis of population summaries and data on vital statistics (characteristics of new marriages, adjudged divorces and separations, births and deaths), as well as lifespan. Moreover, in the yearbook information about internal and international population migrations, and a short version of the international comparison was presented.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - November 2023

In November the assessments of general business climate indicator in most of presented kinds of activities are at a similar or higher level as compared to the ones presented in October. In the case of seasonally adjusted data, majority of these kinds of activities assess it more favourably than in the previous month. In all areas, except for retail trade, the indicator is below the long-term mean. In most of areas, month-to-month level of both "diagnostic" and "forecasting" components increases or remains unchanged.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - October 2023

In October the assessments of general business climate indicator in most of presented kinds of activities are at a slightly lower or similar level as compared to the ones present-ed in September. However, a different trend can be observed in seasonally adjusted data, where in most of areas the indicator is higher than last month. In all areas, except for retail trade, the indicator is below the long-term mean. In majority of the areas, month-to-month level of "diagnostic" components remains unchanged, whereas "forecasting" ones do not change or deteriorate.

Statistics in focus Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services - September 2023

In September the assessments of general business climate indicator in all of presented kinds of activities are at lower or similar level as compared to the ones presented in August. In all areas, except for retail trade, the indicator is below the long-term mean . In majority of the areas, month-to-month level of both "diagnostic" and "forecasting" com-ponents does not change or deteriorates.

Statistics in focus Financial results of cultural institutions in the first half of 2023

In the first half of 2023, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.4% and investments outlays increased by 15.1% during this period.

Statistics in focus The demand for labour in the second quarter of 2023

At the end of the second quarter of 2023, there were 113.2 thousand job vacancies in Poland (1.5% fewer than at the end of the first quarter of the current year). The number of job vacancies decreased the most on a year-over-year basis in the Financial and insurance activities section. The job vacancy rate remained at the same level as in the previous quarter (0.90%).
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