Consumer tendency - March 2020

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In March 2020, both current and future consumer senti-ment remained at a similar level as compared to the previous month. The current consumer confidence indi-cator, synthetically describing the current trends in indi-vidual consumption, has not changed in relation to last month, and was 1.3a.

Current consumer confidence indicator in March 2020
Among the components of the indicator, the lower value was recorded primarily in evalua-tions of the future economic situation of the country and future financial situation of the household (decreases by 1.7 and 0.7 percentage points, respectively). Increase (by 2.7 per-centage points) was recorded in the case of the evaluation of the current financial situation of the household. The evaluation of the current possibility of making important purchases has not changed.
Referring to March 2019, the current value of current consumer confidence indicator is lower by 6.9 percentage points.

a Both consumer confidence indicators receive values between -100 and +100. A positive value means dominance of consumers with optimistic attitude over consumers with pessimistic attitude, while negative value means dominance of consumers with pessimistic attitude over consumers with optimistic attitude.In March 2020, 1137 interviews were conducted in the period 02-11.03.2020 r. (including 66 using the CATI method – computer-assisted telephone interview).

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