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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Prices of agricultural products in February 2020

Procurement prices of basic agricultural productsincreased in February 2020 in comparison with the previous month (by 1.5%), while compared to February 2019 (by 7.5%).
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Statistical Yearbook of Industry - Poland 2019

Units conducting economic activity, sold production, price indices, output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, production of major goods, finances of enterprises, employment and productivity of labour, working time and working conditions, wages and salaries...
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Price indices of sold production of industry in February 2020

According to preliminary data in February 2020 the prices of sold production of industry were higher in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year by 0.1% and in comparison with January 2020 fell by 0.2%.
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Index numbers of sold production of industry in February 2020

In February 2020, sold production of industry was by 4.9% higher than in February 2019, which saw 6.9% increase, whereas in comparison with January 2020, it increased by 2.2%. In the period January-February of 2020, sold production of industry was by 2.7% higher than in the corresponding period of 2019, which saw a 6.7% increase.
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Price indices of construction and assembly production in February 2020

According to preliminary data in February 2020 the prices of construction and assembly production were higher by 3.1% in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year and by 0.3% in comparison with January 2020.
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Publications of statistical offices

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