Statistical Yearbook of the Regions - Poland 2016
A broad set of statistical data on the socio-economic situation of Poland from a spatial perspective.
Human Capital in Poland in 2015
The elaboration Human Capital in Poland provides indicators that allow making independent researches and analyses in the following research areas: demography, health, education, labour market, culture, science, technology and innovation as well as economic and social determinants of human capital development. The data presented in elaboration was gathered from the public statistics repositories and non-statistical sources.
Foreign trade. I-IX 2016
It describes foreign trade turnover by sections of CN, SITC and PKWiU by country groups, as well as the structure of exports and imports by particular countries, and transaction price indices.
Monitoring of banks 2015
It contains information on the activity and financial results of the Polish banking sector in comparison with macroeconomic conditions and the situation on the financial markets in Poland and in the world. The information presented concerns mainly the development trends of the banking sector, the analysis of the financial results of Polish banks and indicators deterrmining their financial standing.
Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in I- III quarters of 2016
It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners.
Science and technology in Poland in 2015
It contains data and indices in the scope of science and technology statistics, concerning research and development activity (R+D), innovative activity of industrial enterprises and in the service sector, protection of industrial property, biotechnology and human resources for science and technology.
Enterprise groups in Poland in 2015
Enterprise groups by type, location and country of origin of capita held by dominant entity. Basic data on results, revenues and costs for groups preparing consolidated financial statements, the number of the employed, type of activity according to PKD 2007.
Poland Quarterly Statistics No. 3/2016
Quarterly information on socio-economic processes occurring in the country. Data describing Poland’s economic performance against the previous quarters and last years.
Statistical Yearbook of Maritime Economy 2016
It contains comprehensive statistical information presenting the condition of maritime economy in 2015 in comparison with previous years. It provides information characterising maritime economy in the context of the national economy, along with statistical data on the maritime economy entities, working persons, employment, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets and finances, load traffic, flow of passengers and ships in seaports, maritime and coastal transport fleet and transport by Polish maritime carriers, accidents and sea rescue, ship production and renovation, sea fishing and fish processing, maritime training and education, as well as the protection of the maritime environment. Basic information on maritime economy in the international context is also included.
Fixed assets in the National Economy in 2015
Value of Expenses on Fixed Assets. Data on the gross and net book value of fixed assets, commissioned for use, liquidated.