Statistics in focus Information note Housing construction - August 2015

In the period of eight months of 2015 there were less dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun increased.

Publication Registered unemployment. I-II quarter 2015

The number and structure of the unemployed registered in labour offices by demographic and socio-occupational characteristics, period of remaining without work, the last workplace. Selected groups of unemployed persons in special situation on the labour market. Data on the liquidity of unemployment: inflow, outflow by various reasons. The unemployment rate for Poland and the European Union.

Publication Household budget survey in 2014

Demographic and social characteristics of members of households, level of monthly incomes and expenditures. Consumption of selected foodstuffs per person in a household and households' possession of selected durable goods.

Communique/Announcements Price indexes of consumer goods and services for August 2015

Price indexes of consumer goods and services for August 2015 was 99.6 (prices decreased by 0.4%).

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries January - July 2015

In the period of January – July 2015, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 422790.3 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 414716.1 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 8074.2 mln, while in the previous year minus PLN 6185.8 mln. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2014, exports increased by 5.9% and imports by 2.3%.

Publication Outlays and results in industry in I-II quarter 2015

It describes output, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, working time, price indices, investment outlays, current assets, sources of asset fi nancing, financial indices, enterprises by value of average monthly gross wages and salaries, and by net turnover profi tability rate.

Publication Housing Construction I-II quarter of 2015

It describes dwellings completed by forms of construction (cooperative, company, municipal, individual, intended for sale or rental, and public building society), an average duration of construction of residential buildings, cubic volume of residential buildings completed, methods of erecting buildings, and buildings by the number of fl oors. The number of permits issued for the construction of dwellings and new residential buildings, the number of dwellings started, dwellings under construction, permits for the construction of new non-residential buildings and other construction facilities are also included.
1    480  481  482  483  484  485  486  487  488    543
