Index numbers of industrial and construction-assembly production in May 2018
In May of 2018, sold production of industry was by 5.4% higher than in May of 2017, whereas an increase of 20.8% was reported in construction-assembly production. In the period January-May of 2018, sold production of industry was by 6.1% higher than in the corresponding period of 2017 which saw a 6.2% increase, whereas construction-assembly production was by 24.0% higher than in the corresponding period of 2017 which saw a 4.5% increase.
Quarterly national accounts of gross domestic product 2013–2017
National accounts according to ESA 2010. By means of macro-economic measures, results are shown of the entire activity of the economy in Poland, including the value of the Gross Domestic Product, and the elements of its generation and disposal.
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2018
Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2018 was PLN 4695,31.
Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in May 2018
Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in May 2018 was PLN 4696,59.
Residential construction in the period of January-May 2018
In the period of first five months of 2018 there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun also increased.
Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in May 2018
In May2018, average paid employment in enterprise sector was higher by 3.7% y/y and amounted to 6210.2 thousand, and average gross wages and salaries were higher by 7.0% y/y and amounted to 4696.59 PLN.
Basic urban statistics 2016
Statistical data describing socio-economic condition of Polish cities in many areas, concerning, i.e., demography, labour market, housing conditions, municipal and social infrastructure, education, social welfare, culture and tourism. The broadest possible presentation of priority issues for the presented period.
Employment and earnings in national economy in 2017 – preliminary data
The number of the employed in national economy comprised 15.7 million persons, it means a growth by 2.8 % compared to 2016.
Information on socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 1/2018
Basic information describing the socio-economic condition of voivodships.
Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. April 2018
Foreign and domestic tourists using the accommodation base and granted accommodation in tourist accommodation facilities with 10 or more beds.