Green Lungs of Poland in 2018
The publication presents natural conditions, state, threats to the environment and environmental protection, forestry, demographic situation, labour market, municipal infrastructure and dwellings, education, culture and tourism as well as other data characterising the ecoregion of Green Lungs of Poland.
Financial Results of Open Pension Funds and General Pension Societies in 2019
The financial result of Open Pension Funds (OFE) in 2019 amounted to PLN 1.4 billion, compared to a loss of PLN 17.0 billion in 2018. Net assets of OFE at the end of 2019 amounted to PLN 154.8 billion, which means a decrease by PLN 2.5 billion during the year.
Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture 2019
Comprehensive information on the results of agricultural production, production and economic conditions of agriculture, the balance sheet of major agricultural products, the supply and consumption expenditure on the means of production, and information on the income situation in agriculture.
Production of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2019
The results of the final estimates of the production of agricultural crops, fodder crops by kind of usage (for grain, for green fodder, for green manure) and the production of vegetables, fruit from trees and berries.
Work organization and working time arrangements in 2019
The analysis of the availability and use of flexible forms of work as well as and degree of employees’ autonomy in terms of organizing own work time and influence on the type and nature of performed tasks.
Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2018
The publication includes data concerning non-financial enterprises having foreign entities: number of enterprises, kind of activity, affiliation to enterprise groups, type of relationship with foreign entity.
Enterprise groups in Poland in 2018
The publication presents information about enterprise groups operating in Poland by type, size and country of location of the ultimate parent unit (global group head). The information concern, among others, the number of persons employed and the kind of activity of the group.
Population. Size and structure and vital statistics in Poland by territorial division. As of December 31, 2019
Data on the number and structure of population, including residents by sex and age in regions, subregions and voivodships (by urban and rural population) and in powiats, urban gminas and rural gminas of the country as of December 31, 2019.
Labour force survey in Poland IV quarter 2019
Level of professional activity of the population, according to socio-demographic features. The employed according to professional features, employment status, work time.
People over 50 on the labour market in 2018
Economic activity of persons over 50 and characteristics of their situation on the labour market. Full-time employees, part-time employees and unemployed persons by demographic and economic characteristics.