Transport - activity results in 2019
Information on: types of transport, traffic network (by voivodships), transport fleet (by type) and registered vehicles (by type of vehicles and voivodships), goods and passenger transport (by types of transport and direction)...
Tourists in tourist accommodation establishments. July 2020
Foreign and domestic tourists using the accommodation base and granted accommodation in tourist accommodation facilities with 10 or more beds.
Macroeconomic situation in Poland in the context of the world economic processes in 2019
Macroeconomic phenomena and selected social issues in Poland in the context of processes in the global economy, including European Union countries: macroeconomic situation, labour markets, public finance sector, financial markets. The course of processes over a year 2019 as well as in a longer time perspective.
Poland on the way to SDGs
The report presents Poland’s progress towards the SDGs against the background of the general situation in the EU and taking into consideration the main challenges the world has to face on its way to sustainable development. The digital form of the publication allows access to more detailed statistical data, as well as other websites, studies and databases featuring information about sustainable development.
Business tendency in manufacturing, construction, trade and services 2000-2020 (September 2020)
Assessment of the situation in manufacturing, construction, trade and services (with in-depth presentation of results in accommodation and food service activities) is based upon the subjective opinions about actual and future business situation expressed by the directors of the surveyed companies.
Average income from activity in private farms in agriculture from 1ha fiscal in 2019
Average income from activity in private farms in agriculture from 1ha
Production of industrial products related to the prevention of spreading / combating COVID-19 in August 2020
In August 2020 entities having 50 or more persons employed and participating in the monthly survey of production of industrial products, on voluntary basis additionally reported production of 3 264 810 face masks used in medicine and 11 774 077 other protective face masks.
Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and by Poles abroad in the 2nd quarter of 2020
In the 1st half of 2020, the number of crossings of the
Polish border was 86.9 million. Compared to the
same period of the previous year, lower border traffic
was recorded, both for foreigners (by 41.3%) and
Poles (by 38.5%).The values of goods and services
purchased in this period by foreigners in Poland
(PLN 12.0 billion) and goods and services purchased
by Poles abroad (PLN 6.0 billion) were lower than in
the 1st half of 2019 by 44.7% and 41.5% respectively.
Financial results of cultural institutions in 1st half of 2020
In 1st half of 2020, financial results of cultural
institutions were lower than those achieved in
comparable period of the previous year. Total
revenues decreased by 7.0% and total costs by 10.2%.
Investment outlays remained at the same level as in
comparable period of the previous year.