Publication Information society in Poland. Results of statistical surveys in the years 2015–2019

Data and indicators in the field usage of information and communication technologies in public administration, enterprises, households and by individuals of age 16-74 being members of households. Results of another edition of research based on international methodological recommendations of the Eurostat. Comparison results of Polish survey with other European countries.

Statistics in focus Price indices of consumer goods and services in November 2019

Consumer prices in November 2019 comapred with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 2,6% (with an increase of prices of services – by 5,3% and goods – by 1,7%). As related to the previous month consumer prices increased by 0,1% (with an increase of prices of goods – by 0,2% and prices of services remaining at the same level).

Publication Outlays and results in industry. 1-3 quarter 2019

Production, turnover, new orders, paid employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, time worked, price indicators, investment outlays, current assets, sources of property financing, company financial indicators according to the average monthly gross wages and according to the net turnover profitability ratio.

Statistics in focus Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in January-October 2019

Foreign trade turnover in January – October this year according to exports at current prices amounted to PLN 845.4 bn, while imports amounted to PLN 840.8 bn.

Publication Socio-economic situation of voivodships No. 3/2019

Basic information describing the socio-economic situation of the voivodships. Selected categories presented from a dynamic perspective, as well as in relation to average values for the country on a quarterly and accumulative basis.

Publication Consumption of fuels and energy carriers in 2018

This publication is successive edition of the study „Consumption of fuels and energy carriers” published on an annual basis by Statistics Poland (GUS) as part of the series titled „Statistical information”.

Publication Economic aspects of environmental protection 2019

The publication includes information on the scope and functioning forms of economic tools and means in undertakings targeted at environmental protection and water management, as well as information on environmental economic accounts, which are a statistical system bringing together economic and environmental information.

Publication Financial economy of local government units 2018

It contains information on the performance of the budgets of local self-government units at various levels, the general conditions of the budgetary management of local self-government entities, including system and legislative changes, as well as processes in multiannual terms.

Publication The maritime economy in Poland in years 2017 and 2018

A portrait of maritime economy in Poland – the standing and structure of business entities, number of workforce, economic returns, maritime and coastal transport fleet as well as sea waterborne carriages accomplished by Polish shipping companies, cargo traffic, passenger and vessel movements in seaports, shipbuilding and repair industry, maritime fisheries and fish processing industry, maritime education and science.
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