Statistics in focus Index numbers of construction and assembly production in June 2021

According to preliminary data construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was in June 2021 by 4.4% higher than a year before (against a decrease by 2.3% the year before) and by 12.2% higher compared with May 2021 (against an increase by 12.5% the year before).

Publication Demographic Yearbook of Poland 2021

The Yearbook contains the basic information on the numbers and structure of the population of Poland in 2020, and retrospective data prepared on the basis of population summaries and data on vital statistics (characteristics of new marriages, adjudged divorces and separations, births and deaths), as well as lifespan. Moreover, in the yearbook information about internal and international population migrations, and a short version of the international comparison was presented.

Statistics in focus Residential construction in the period of January-June 2021

In the first half of 2021, there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project as well as dwellings in which construction has begun also increased.

Statistics in focus Consumer tendency - July 2021

In June 2021, there was an improvement in both current and future consumer sentiment moods compared to the previous month.

Statistics in focus Price indices of construction and assembly production in June 2021

According to preliminary data, in June 2021 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the pre- vious year increased by 3.7%, and in comparison with May 2021 - by 0.6%.

Statistics in focus Index numbers of sold production of industry in June 2021

In June 2021, sold production of industry was by 18.4% higher than in June 2020, when an increase was recorded by 0.5% as compared to the previous year, whereas in comparison with May 2021, it increased by 4.0%.

Statistics in focus Price indices of sold production of industry in June 2021

According to preliminary data, the prices of sold production of industry in June 2021 increased compared to May 2021 by 0.7 % and compared to that recorded in the corresponding month of the previous year - by 7.0%.

Statistics in focus Prices of agricultural products in June 2021

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products increased in June 2021 both in comparison with the previous month (by 1.5%) as well as compared to the corresponding month of last year (by 16.0%).

Communique/Announcements Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in the second quarter of 2021

Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in the second quarter of 2021 was 5774,13 PLN.

Communique/Announcements Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in the second quarter of 2021

Average monthly gross wage and salary in enterprise sector in the second quarter of 2021 was 5775,25 PLN.
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