Statistics in focus Retail sales index - November 2020

In November 2020 retail sales at constant prices were by 5.3% lower than the year before (against a growth of 5.2% in November 2019).

Statistics in focus Index numbers of construction and assembly production in November 2020

According to preliminary data construction and assembly production (in constant prices) carried out domestically by construction enterprises employing more than 9 persons was in November 2020 by 4.9% lower than a year before (against a decrease by 4.7% the year before) and by 0.6% higher compared with October 2020 (against a decrease by 0.4% the year before).

Statistics in focus Prices of agricultural products in November 2020

Procurement prices of basic agricultural products[1] decreased in November 2020 in comparison with the previous month (by 0.2%) as well as while compared to the corresponding period of the last year (by 4.7%).

Statistics in focus Residential construction in the period of January-November 2020

In the period of eleven months of 2020, there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun decreased.

Publication Gross domestic product - regional accounts in the years 2016-2018

Analysis of the level and dynamics of economic development of regions and subregions as well as changes in the structure of the economy in spatial approach.

Publication Education in 2019/2020

The information on pre-primary education establishments, primary schools, stage I sectoral vocational schools, technical secondary schools, general secondary schools, art schools, post-secondary schools, special education.

Statistics in focus Price indices of construction and assembly production in November 2020

According to preliminary data, in November 2020 the prices of construction and assembly production in comparison with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 2.4%, and in comparison with October 2020 - by 0.2%.

Statistics in focus Index numbers of sold production of industry in November 2020

In November 2020, sold production of industry was by 5.4% higher than in November 2019, when an increase was recorded by 1.4% as compared to the previous year, whereas in comparison with October 2020, it decreased by 1.6%. In the period January-November of 2020, sold production of industry was by 2.1% lower than in the corresponding period of 2019, which saw a growth by 4.0%.

Statistics in focus Price indices of sold production of industry in November 2020

According to preliminary data, in November 2020 the prices of sold production of industry decreased in comparison with the correspnding month of the previous year by 0.2%, and compared to October 2020, they remained at a level similar to that recorded a month ago.

Publication Energy from renewable sources in 2019

Balances of energy from renewable sources in Poland, in 2015-2019. Implementation by Poland of EU commitments regarding the share of energy from renewable sources in final gross energy consumption, including in power, heating and cooling as well as in transport.
1    234  235  236  237  238  239  240  241  242    544
