Information note Foreigners performing work in Poland in 2023

At the end of December 2023, the share of foreigners in the total number of people performing work in Poland was 6.6%. Between January and December 2023, the number of foreigners performing work increased by 4.2%.

Statistics in focus Information on entities of the national economy entered in the REGON register - May 2024

As at the end of May 2024 the REGON register included 5 216.8 thous. of national economy entities. The number of newly registered entities in May amounted to 30.3 thous., i.e. by 10.8% less than a month before.

More important data in the Knowledge Databases!

The Knowledge Databases have been enriched with new variables from the ‘Statistics’ category, required by the EU regulation on high-value datasets.

Statistics in focus Accidents at work in the first quarter of 2024 - preliminary data

15,433 persons injured in accidents at work were reported in the first quarter of 2024, by 7.9% more than in 2023. The number of injured persons per 1,000 employed persons (the incidence rate) increased from 1.00 to 1.12.

Statistics in focus The demand for labour in the first quarter of 2024

There were 15.3% more job vacancies in Poland at the end of the first quarter of 2024 than at the end of the fourth quarter of 2023. The job vacancy rate increased by 0.11 percentage points (0.89%) compared with the fourth quarter of 2023.

Publication Methodological report - The demand for labour

The publication details the description of the methodology of labour market statistical surveys contained in the Methodological report. Statistics on labour market, wages and salaries. The report contains basic information about the survey, including a description of the purpose, statistical units and scope of data of the survey, characteristics of the data collection methodology, description of the variables obtained, organisation of the survey and presentation of the results.

Statistics in focus Financial results of cultural institutions in 2023

Assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of 31 December 2023 amounted to PLN 26,117.0 million. Total revenues were higher by 17.3%. Also total costs increased – by 17.2% in comparison to 2022.

Statistics in focus Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants

Strategic noise maps for 2021 were developed within the framework of environmental monitoring. They illustrate the acoustic condition in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants. The maps provided the basis for the "Population exposure to noise in cities with over 100 thousand inhabitants" survey which allowed i.a. to estimate the number of people exposed to road traffic, railway, aircraft and industrial noise exceeding the permissible sound levels.

Statistics in focus Producer price indices for business services in the first quarter of 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, the producer prices for business services increased compared to the previ-ous quarter by 2.4%. Compared to the first quar-ter of 2023 they increased by 5.5%.

Information of Statistics Poland on the revision of national accounts in 1995-2022

Statistics Poland informs that in October 2024 will be published revised data on gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), developed as part of the so-called benchmark revision.
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