Transport - activity results in 2017

Date of publication: | 26.09.2018 |
Date modified: | 21.03.2019 |
Frequency of publication: | annual edition |
Information on types of transport, transport network (by voivodships), vehicle fle et (by vehicle types) and registered motor vehicles (by vehicle types and voivodships), cargo and passenger transport (by transport types and destinations), reloading activities in sea ports (by cargo groups and ports) and airports (by airports), ship traffic (by ports and flags) and passenger traffic (by ports), car and passenger traffic at airports (by airports). Data on revenue, cost, employment and wages in transport. Information on: traffic of means of transport at border crossings (eastern border), road accidents and selected data on EU countries. Information on activities of the post, on postal facilities, postal services, and revenue and cost. Employment and wages for postal activities and selected data on post in EU countries. 21 March 2019, the Excel file „dzial_III_transport__drogowy.xlsx“ has been modified – the amendments in the tables no. 57(90), 58(91), 61(94), 63(96) are marked in red. |
By: | voivodship – transport infrastructure, motor vehicles, urban transport, road accidents |