Border traffic and expenses made by foreigners in Poland and by Poles abroad in the 4th quarter of 2019

In the 4th quarter of 2019 the estimated number of crossings of the Polish border amounted to 305.8 million persons, which was 3.2% more than in 2018, of which 180.2 million were foreigners and 125.7 million Poles. In this period, both foreigners and Poles reported an increase in border traffic by 2.7% and 3.8% respectively.
In the 4th quarter of 2019, the estimated number of crossings of the Polish border amounted to 71.9 million, of which 58.4% were foreigners (non-residents) and 41.6% Polish citizens (residents). The border traffic (from and to Poland) was higher by 2.4 million crossings, compared to the corresponding period of the previous year. The Polish border was crossed by a higher number of both Poles and foreigners , by 4.3% and 2.9% respectively. Compared to the previous quarter, the number of crossings was lower - for Poles by 21.2%, for foreigners by 17.3%.
In the 4th quarter of 2019, 73.3% of all crossings concerned the land border of Poland with the European Union (EU) countries, 14.3% the border at airports, 11.9% the external land border of the European Union and 0.6% the sea border.