Average paid employment and average gross wages and salaries in enterprise sector in December 2023

In December 2023, the average paid employment in the enterprise sector compared with December 2022 was lower by 0.1% and amounted to 6 495.3 thousand full-time equivalent employees. Compared to the previous month, the average paid employment was recorded at a similar level.
The average monthly wage and salary in the enterprise sector in December 2023 compared with December 2022 increased nominally by 9.6% and amounted to PLN 8 032.96 gross. Compared with November 2023, the average monthly gross wage and salary increased nominally by 4.7%.
The enterprise sector is part of the national economy, which means that data concern units conducting economic activity classified into selected[1] kinds of activity according to NACE Rev. 2, with 10 or more employed persons. Therefore, the survey does not include, inter alia, public administration, education, human health and social work activities. Basic data on this sector are published monthly and for the national economy as a whole quarterly, e.g. in the statistical information Paid employment, wages and salaries in the national economy.
[1] Activities included in the enterprise sector are listed on the page 4.