Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in 2019

(data concern tourist accommodation establishments with 10 or more bed places)
In 2019, 35.7 million tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments, with 93.3 million nights spent. Compared to 2018, it was more by 5.2% and 5.0%, respectively. The occupancy rate of bed places in all tourist accommodation establishments in 2019 ammounted to 40.6% and was higher by 0.5 percentage point compared to the previous year.
As of 31 July 2019, 11,251 tourist accommodation establishments were operating in Poland, of which 4,229 hotels and similar establishments1 and 7,022 other accommodation establishments2.
Among hotels and similar establishments, the most numerous group, as in previous years, were hotels – 2,635 (43 more than in 2018) and other hotel establishments, which include hotels, motels, boarding houses, which were not given any category, and facilities providing hotel services3– including guest houses and inns. At the end of July 2019 there were 1,064 such establishments, i.e. by 0.7% more than in 2018.
In the group of other accommodation establishments, rooms for guests and private lodgings were the most numerous – 2,418 establishments (i.e. by 5.5% more than a year earlier) and holiday centres – 1,095 establishments - which in 2019 recorded a slight decrease compared to the previous year (by 1.3%).
1 Hotels, motels, boarding houses and other hotel establishments.
2 Excursion hostels, shelters, youth hostels, school youth hostels, holiday centres, holiday youth centres, training-recreational centres, creative arts centres, complexes of tourist cottages, camping sites, tent camp sites, hostels, health establishments, rooms for guests (private lodgings), agrotourism lodgings, other not classified.
3 Hotel services include daily bed, room and sanitary cleaning, among other things.