Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments in Poland in May and June 2020

In May 2020, 387.2 thousand tourists were accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments and 925.2 thousand overnight stays were provided for them. This was lower by 88.2% and 88.3%, respectively, as compared to May 2019. A decrease in the number of tourists compared to the corresponding month of the previous year was also recorded in June; the number of persons accommodated was lower by 62.7%, according to estimates.
In accordance with the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 2 May 2020[1], since 4 May, it was allowed to resume activities related to the provision of hotel services. Some accommodation establishments did not start welcoming tourists since the beginning of May or have not started operating yet. However, a gradual increase in the number of tourists accommodated in tourist accommodation establishments is observed, which improves the occupancy indicators of in the following months in relation to the corresponding periods of 2019.
[1] Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 2 May 2020 on establishing certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic.