Means of production in agriculture in the 2022/2023 farming year

Date of publication: | 28.11.2024 |
Frequency of publication: | every 3 years |
Basic information on the consumption of fertilizers in the 2022/2023 farming year by groups of mineral fertilizers, i.e.: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime, with a separate group of lime-magnesium fertilizers and natural fertilizers. Information on the number of tractors and farms equipped with tractors. Information on the supply of means of production, e.g. fertilizers, plant protection products, feeds, sowing materials in 2023. Preliminary data from the Integrated Farm Statistics (IFS) survey for 2023 regarding mineral, lime and natural fertilization as well as farm equipment with tractors may change. The final version of the study will be supplemented and expanded with further detailed tables from the above-mentioned scope by April 30, 2025. |
By: | regions, voivodships, ownership forms. |