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Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January–September 2024
12.12.2024 -
The financial results of cultural institutions for the three quarters of 2024 were higher compared to those obtained in the same period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 14.5% during this time, total costs increased by 14.6% and capital expenditures decreased by 5.3%.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Culture and national heritage in 2023
30.09.2024 -
Analysis of the activities of public and private entities conducting cultural activity, including: theaters, music and entertainment institutions, cinemas, museums and institutions related to musems, public and other library and information institutions, art galleries and centres of culture,... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the first half of 2024
12.09.2024 -
In the first half of 2024, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.1% in this period, total costs increased by 16.8% and investment outlays decreased by 13.0% during this... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the first quarter of 2024
13.06.2024 -
In the first quarter of 2024, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Both total revenues and total costs increased by 18.6% and investment outlays by 19.0% during this period.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in 2023
06.06.2024 -
Assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of 31 December 2023 amounted to PLN 26,117.0 million. Total revenues were higher by 17.3%. Also total costs increased – by 17.2% in comparison to 2022.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Poland in figures 2024
29.05.2024 -
Folder containing basic information about the social situation and the economic condition of Poland in 2023 and in previous years. The folder has also been published in an interactive version for easy browsing on mobile devices. We encourage you to use:... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Activity of centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres in 2023
29.05.2024 -
As of the end of 2023, there were 3,961 centres of culture, cultural establishments, cultural centres, clubs and community centres. During the year these entities organised 258.8 thousand events, in which 33.5 million participants took part. Most centres of culture, cultural centres and... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of museums in 2023
13.05.2024 -
In 2023, there were 974 museums and museum branches, visited by 42.3 million people. Museums presented 2.7 thousand permanent exhibitions and organised 4.6 thousand temporary exhibitions in Poland. In terms of the number of museums and museum branches, in 2023 two Voivodships dominated –... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of theatres and music institutions in 2023
25.04.2024 -
In 2023 theatres and music institutions presented 59.0 thousand performances and concerts, with 12.3 million audience. 798 premieres took place. Theatres and music institutions had 5.0 thousand performances and concerts in their repertoire. Stage activities were conducted by 207 theatres and music... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of art galleries in 2023
24.04.2024 -
In 2023, 317 art galleries were operating in Poland, which organised 3.7 thousand exhibitions for 4.0 million visitors. In comparison to the previous year, the number of exhibitions increased by 5.2%, and the number of visitors – by 34.9%. Most of galleries were located in Małopolskie Voivodship... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Culture satellite account for 2019
23.04.2024 -
The share of culture in the national economy in 2019 did not change compared to 2018 and accounted for 2.8%. Three domains dominated most of the transactions that made up the cultural satellite account: Advertising, Audio-visual arts and multimedia as well as Books and Press. The culture satellite... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Cultural and creative industries in 2022
28.03.2024 -
130.1 thousand enterprises belonging to the cultural and creative industries operated in 2022, of which 99.1% were micro-enterprises. Number of employed persons amounted to 256.0 thousand and average paid employment amounted to 101.6 thousand full-time jobs. Gross monthly salary per one employee... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in 2023 - preliminary data
14.03.2024 -
In 2023, the financial results of cultural institutions were higher in comparison to the previous year. Total revenues increased by 16.2%, total costs by 15.7% and investment outlays by 13.5%. Total revenues of cultural institutions in 2023 amounted to PLN 14,396.7 million. In the structure of... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January-September 2023
14.12.2023 -
The financial results of cultural institutions for the three quarters of 2023 were higher compared to those obtained in the same period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.1% during this time, and capital expenditures by 20.5%. Total revenues of cultural institutions for the first... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Cultural and creative industries 2017-2021
04.12.2023 -
Basic data and indicators describing the functioning of cultural and creative industries in Poland in 2017-2021. The first chapter presents data about number of entities classified as cultural and creative industries. The next two chapters contain analysis of the number of persons employed,... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Culture and national heritage in 2022
28.09.2023 -
Analysis of the activities of cultural entities and other institutions leading cultural activities: theatres, music and entertaintment institutions, cinemas, museums and institutions related to musems, public libraries, scientific, specialized and pedagogic libraries, art galleries and cultural... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the first half of 2023
14.09.2023 -
In the first half of 2023, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 17.4% and investments outlays increased by 15.1% during this period. Total revenues of cultural institutions... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the first quarter of 2023
14.06.2023 -
In the first quarter of 2023, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to those obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 20.5% and investments outlays increased by 4.4% during this period. Total revenues of cultural... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in 2022
06.06.2023 -
Assets (liabilities) of the surveyed cultural institutions as of 31 December 2022 amounted to PLN 23,334.9 million. Both total revenues and total costs were higher by 17.7% in comparison to 2021.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres in 2022
31.05.2023 -
As of the end of 2022, there were 3958 operating centres of culture, cultural establishments, cultural centres, clubs and community centres. During the year these entities organised 227.3 thousand events, in which took part 27.3 million participants.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Poland in figures 2023
25.05.2023 -
Brochure containing the basic information concerning the social situation and the economic condition of Poland in 2020 and in previous years.... Topics / Other studies / Other Aggregated Studies
Activity of museums in 2022
11.05.2023 -
In 2022 there were 963 museums and museums branches, visited by 36.7 million people. Museums presented 2.6 thousand regular exhibitions and organised 4.4 thousand temporary exhibitions in Poland.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of theatres and music institutions in 2022
27.04.2023 -
In 2022 theatres and music institutions presented 53 thousand performances and concerts, with 9.3 million audience. 771 premieres took place. Theatres and music institutions had 5.0 thousand performances and concerts in their repertoir.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Culture satellite account for 2018
26.04.2023 -
The share of culture in the national economy accounted for 2.8%, which was mainly due to the activity of entities in Advertising domain. Audio-visual arts and multimedia as well as Books and press had also a significant share. As in 2017 these domains dominated most of the transactions that made... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Activity of art galleries in 2022
25.04.2023 -
In 2022, 310 art galleries were operating, which organised 3.5 thousand exhibitions in Poland for 3.0 million visitors. Compared to the previous year, the number of exhibitions in the country increased by 16.0%, while number of visitors decreased by 13.8%. Most art galleries were located in... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Cultural and creative industries in 2021
30.03.2023 -
130.0 thousand enterprises belonging to the cultural and creative industries operated in 2021. The overwhelming majority of entities (99.2%) were micro-enterprises, comprising 75.8% of those working in the area of cultural and creative industries. Gross monthly salary per employee amounted to PLN... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in 2022 – preliminary data
14.03.2023 -
In 2022, the financial results of cultural institutions increased compared to the previous year. Total revenues increased by 18.1% and investment outlays by 25.1%. Total revenues cultural institutions in 2022 amounted to PLN 12,394.1 million. In the structure of revenues, 90.8% were net revenues... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January - September 2022
22.12.2022 -
In the first three quarters of 2022 financial results of cultural institutions increased in comparison to results obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 20.2% during this period. Investment outlays increased by 25.8%.... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Culture and national heritage in 2021
30.09.2022 -
Analysis of the activities of cultural entities and other institutions leading cultural activities: theatres, music and entertaintment institutions, cinemas, museums and institutions related to musems, public libraries, scientific, specialized and pedagogic libraries, art galleries and cultural... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture
Financial results of cultural institutions in the period January - June 2022
22.09.2022 -
In the first half of 2022 financial results of cultural institutions were higher in comparison to results obtained in the corresponding period of the previous year. Total revenues increased by 23,2% during this period. Investment outlays increased by 24.5%. Total revenues of cultural institutions... Topics / Culture. Tourism. Sport / Culture