Culture satellite account for 2020

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Gross value added created by the area of culture amounted to PLN 60 billion. Three domains dominated in the majority of transactions that make up the culture satellite account: Advertising, Audio-visual arts and multimedia and Books and Press.

In connection with the announcement of the state of epidemic threat in Poland, from March 12, 2020, the possibility of conducting business activities has been limited, among others by cultural entities, that had to close their facilities suddenly. The introduced temporary restrictions resulted in changes in the functioning of entities operating in the area of culture. At that time, some units did not undertake any activities related to the preparation and sharing of cultural offer, and some tried to reach the public by making their offer available on the Internet. Restrictions on the activities of cultural entities in individual months had different scope and forms, depending on the current epidemic situation in the country. Some entities received financial support. This had an impact on the transactions calculated as part of the culture satellite account.

Based on data from before the introduction of the benchmarking revision in national accounts carried out in 2024 and covering the years 1995–2022.

