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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Construction - Activity results in 2014

It describes construction and assembly production conducted in the national economy, including the sales of construction and assembly production in construction entities employing more than 9 persons by groups and forms of ownership, types of facilities, and places of carrying out work (voivodships), the sales of construction and assembly production outside the country by construction and nonconstruction enterprises employing more than 9 persons, as well as price indices of construction and assembly production.
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Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries in 2014

In 2014, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 693471.6 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 704567.5 mln. The negative balance reached the level of PLN 11095.9 mln, while in 2013 minus PLN 8219.4 mln. In comparison to the 2013, exports increased by 7.0% and imports by 7.4%.
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Publications of statistical offices

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Publications outside official statistics

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