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Publications of the Statistics Poland


Life Expectancy Tables Of Poland 2014

Tables represents life expectancy of the population by sex and age with the division into urban and rural areas. Average life expectancy by regions, voivodships and subregions. Analytical analysis with a graphic presentation and description of calculation method.Publication in pdf, additional basic tables in xls.
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Labour force survey in Poland in 1 quarter 2015

It describes the level of economic activity of the population by demographic and social characteristics, working persons by occupational characteristics, employment status and working time, as well as characteristics of unemployed persons (the duration of unemployment, methods of looking for a job, and professional experience), and the situation of disabled persons on the labour market. Reasons for economic inactivity are also included.
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Tourism in 2014

It describes national tourism – the distribution and use of accommodation facilities by Poles and foreign tourists, special diversity of tourism potential in Poland – selected indicators showing the distribution and use of accommodation facilities, international comparisons based on the Eurostat data, equipment of accommodation facilities providing at least 10 lodging places with conveniences for people with motor disabilities, with conference infrastructure, and with sports and recreation devices. It also presents border traffic – the flow of people on the external border of the European Union (among others, arrivals of foreigners and departures of Polish citizens). It contains information on border traffic by various means of transport, along with selected information on the activities of the Polish Tourist Country Lover’s Society (PTTK).
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Publications of statistical offices

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Publications outside official statistics

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