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Editorial Title-Plan of the Statistics Poland and RSO

Publication announcements

No. Type Document title Date of publication
16 Article Activity of centres of culture, cultural centres and establishments, clubs and community centres in 2023 29.05.2024
17 Note Activity of cinemas in 2016 16.10.2017
18 Article Activity of credit intermediation enterprises in 2023 11.07.2024
19 Article Activity of debt collecting companies in 2022 08.08.2023
20 Article Activity of debt colleting companies in 2019 20.08.2020
21 Article Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022 28.03.2024
22 Publication Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022 30.04.2024
23 Publication Activity of enterprises with up to 9 persons employed in 2022 28.12.2023
24 Article Activity of leasing companies in 2023 27.06.2024
25 Article Activity of museums in 2023 13.05.2024
26 Publication Activity of non-financial enterprises in 2022 20.12.2023
27 Article Activity of theatres and music institutions in 2023 25.04.2024
28 Publication Adult Education 2022 03.06.2024
29 Article Adult Education in 2022 31.01.2024
30 Publication Agricultural Census 2020. Characteristics of households with holders of the agricultural holding based on combined data from the 2020 Agricultural Census and the 2021 Population and Housing Census 31.07.2023
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