Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2022
Analysis of the situation of non-financial enterprises having foreign entities: number of enterprises, kind of activity, affiliation to enterprise groups, type of relationship with foreign entity. It also presents the information about foreign entities, including their number, number of persons employed, kind of activity, country of location, affiliation to enterprise groups as well as financial results of foreign entities: net revenues from sales of products, goods and materials, export, import purchases and outlays on tangible fixed assets. Moreover, the publication provides selected data concerning activity of foreign affiliates (Outward FATS).
Preliminary assessment of overwintering of crops in 2024
The field survey shows that winter crops overwintered similarly to last year, with virtually no losses. The course of agrometeorological conditions during the winter was generally favorable for overwintering plants, and the decreases in air temperature recorded in December and January (locally below -20°C and below) did not threaten the winter crops.
Production of agricultural and horticultural crops in 2023
The results of the final estimates of the production of agricultural crops, fodder crops according to the directions of use (for grain, green forage, for plowing - green manure) and the production of vegetables, fruit from trees and berries.
Labour force survey in Poland – quarter 4/2023
Basic information on the level of professional activity of the population, according to demographic and socio-economic features. The employed according to professional features, employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.
Paid employment, wages and salaries in the national economy in 2023
Basic information about employed persons, employees and their nominal and real wages and salaries.
The maritime economy in Poland in 2023
Compared to 2022, cargo traffic through Polish seaports increased while both passenger movements and the number of ship arrivals in seaports drecreased.
Population. Size and structure and vital statistics in Poland by territorial division in 2023. As of 31 December
Basic information on the number and structure of population, including residents by sex and age in regions, subregions and voivodships (by urban and rural population) and in powiats, urban gminas and rural gminas. Information on the demographic situation, general data on vital statistic and population migration.
Infographic - World Day for Safety and Health at Work
World Day for Safety and Health at Work - April 28
Outlays and results in industry in 2023
Basic data and indicators characterizing the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the form of data series - monthly, quarterly and annual on industry, including data on production, turnover, new orders, employment, average monthly gross wages, worked time, investment outlays, current assets, the sources of financing of enterprises assets. Moreover, financial indicators and prices indices are presented as well as data on industrial enterprises by amount of average monthly gross wages and salaries and by net turnover profitability indicator.
API to the Publication Data Store (SDP)
A further result of the Statistics Poland efforts to increase the availability of statistical data is the API to the Publication Data Store. Its release improves the level of openness of statistical data and its reusability.