Poland Quarterly Statistics No 3/2015
Quarterly information on socio-economic processes occurring in the country. Data describing Poland’s economic performance against the previous quarters and last years.
Statistical Yearbook of the Regions - Poland 2015
A broad set of statistical data describ Poland’s socio-economic situation in spatial terms. Information about voivodships and selected data on powiats and subregions according to NTS’s nomenclature, facilitating comparisons and analyses of regional diversity of phenomena. Statistical material supplemented with a set of maps and charts.
Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries in January-November 2015
From January to November of 2015, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 685666.3 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 670981.9 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 14684.4 mln, after eleven months of 2014 years minus PLN 8686.8 mln.
Incomes and living conditions of the population in Poland (report from the EU-SILC survey of 2014)
It describes income, education, health (including the self-assessment of health), housing conditions, household equipment with durable goods, opinions of respondents on various financial and non-financial aspects of living conditions; selected social cohesion indicators; methodology and organisation of the survey.
Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the third quarter of 2015 as compared to the second quarter of 2015
Price indices of residential premises by voivodships in the third quarter of 2015 as compared to the second quarter of 2015
Unregistered employment in Poland in 2014
Analysis of the phenomenon of unregistered work from both people declaring illegal work and employers and households performing the unregistered work. Persons working in the „grey area” in connection with the demographic and social characteristics (sex, age, education), kind of the performed work, its duration, reasons for undertaking it.
Energy efficiency in Poland in years 2003-2013
Global and sector indicators of energy efficiency (70), their analysis, methodological notes, defi nitions of terms. Indicators constitute a tool for trend evaluation in the field of energy efficiency on macro scale as well as in individual areas of economy, enabling the evaluation of the effects of activities and programmes in terms of energy efficiency.
Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in I-III quarters of 2015
It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners.
Health and health care in 2014
It contains the results of the survey concerning the health condition of Poland’s population, as well as infrastructure and the functioning of the health care system, conducted within the Polish Official Statistics. As regards the health condition of the population, information concerns, among others, the incidence of selected diseases (e.g. infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms, mental diseases and disorders), and reasons for hospitalisation. As regards the health care infrastructure, information concerns, among others, the status and activity of entities operating in health care, medical practices, and medical personnel, including persons entitled to practise medical profession and persons working directly with patients, in-patient and out-patient treatment facilities, pharmacies, first aid and emergency medical services, as well as occupational medicine. The basic characteristics of these facilities is provided, e.g., types of facilities, the number of beds, places and ambulances, the number of consultations and patients, and the length of hospital stay. Moreover, selected data on public expenditures on health care in 2013 is presented, along with the results of the National Health Account for 2012. In addition to the tabular part, there are analytical comments, methodological notes, a glossary of terms used in the compilation and a graphic presentation of the phenomena described.
Science and technology in Poland in 2014
It contains data and indices in the scope of science and technology statistics, concerning research and development activity (R+D), innovative activity of industrial enterprises and in the service sector, protection of industrial property, biotechnology and human resources for science and technology.