Publication Statistical Bulletin No 5/2016

It contains basic indices of the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the monthly, quarterly and annual series, including, among others, the national accounts, information on demography, the labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, money supply, public finances and finances of non-financial enterprises, investment outlays, agriculture, industry, construction, transport, domestic and foreign trade, along with monthly or quarterly data characterising the socio-economic situation of voivodships and EU countries.

Publication Production of major industrial products May 2016

Information on the quantity of manufactured production of selected industrial products by PKWiU/PRODPOL (nomenclature for testing industrial products for monthly reporting), including production of final products for sale as well as for further processing within an enterprise, manufactured from own and commissioned material.

Publication The Demand for Labour in 2015

Number of employees, and the number and structure of job openings, including newly created posts. Information on liquidated workplaces.

Publication Quarterly national accounts 2010-2015 of gross domestic product

The publication is the successive edition of national accounts by quarters. It covers quarterly estimates of gross domestic product for the years 2010–2015.

Publication Outlays and results in industry in I quarter 2016

Production, turnover, new orders, paid employment, average monthly gross wages and salaries, time worked, price indicators, investment outlays, current assets, sources of property financing, company financial indicators according to the average monthly gross wages and according to the net turnover profitability ratio.

Statistics in focus Housing construction in the period of January May 2016

In the period of five months of 2016 there were more dwellings completed than the year before. The number of dwellings for which permits have been granted or which have been registered with a construction project and the number of dwellings in which construction has begun also increased.

Communique/Announcements Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2016

Average monthly wage and salary in enterprise sector excluding payments from profit in May 2016 was PLN 4164,12
1    499  500  501  502  503  504  505  506  507    592
