Transport - activity results in 2015
Information on types of transport, transport network (by voivodship), means of transport (by type) and registered vehicles (by type of vehicles and voivodship), transport of goods and passengers (by type and direction of transport), reloading in seaports (by groups of cargo and port) and airports (by airport), ship cargo transport (by port and flag) and passenger traffic (by port), planes and passenger traffic (by airport) and revenues, costs, employment and wages and salaries in transport and also information on means of transport traffic at the border gates, road accicents.
Price indexes of consumer goods and services for July 2016
Price indexes of consumer goods and services for July 2016 was 99.7 (prices decreased by 0.3 % comparing to June 2016).
Price indices of consumer goods and services in July 2016
Price indices of consumer goods and services in July 2016
Foreign trade turnover in total and by countries in January June 2016
From January to June of 2016, exports at current prices amounted to PLN 392881.3 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 374685.1 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 18196.2 mln, while in the previous year PLN 9113.7 mln. In comparison to the corresponding period of the 2015, exports increased by 6.4% and imports by 4.0%.
Flash estimate of Gross Domestic Product in the 2nd quarter of 2016
In the 2nd quarter of 2016 seasonally adjusted GDP (constant prices, reference year 2010) was higher by 0.9 % than in the previous quarter and 3.0 % higher than in the 2nd quarter of the previous year. Seasonally unadjusted GDP (constant average prices of the previous year) was higher by 3.1 % than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
Foreign trade turnover of goods in total and by countries in 2015
In 2015 (according to final data), exports at current prices amounted to PLN 750835.8 mln, while imports amounted to PLN 740973.3 mln. The positive balance reached the level of PLN 9862.5 mln, compared to minus PLN 11095.9 mln in 2014. In comparison of 2014, exports increased by 8.3% and imports by 5.2%.
Production of industrial products in 2015
Production of selected industrial products, implemented by the so-called large and average units with 10 or more workers ...
Life Expectancy Tables Of Poland 2015
Tables for population lifespan according to gender and age, broken down into urban and rural areas. Average lifespan by regions, voivodships and subregions. Analytical commentary with a graphic presentation, as well as a description of calculation methods.
Construction - Activity results in 2015
Construction and assembly production implemented in the national economy, including sales of construction and assembly production in construction units hiring more than 9 employees by departments, groups and ownership forms, types of facilities, locations of performing works (voivodships); sales of construction and assembly production outside the borders of Poland by construction and non-construction enterprises hiring more than 9 employees, price indices of construction and assembly production. Material effects of construction (residential buildings commissioned for use: the number of dwellings, rooms, useful floor area of dwellings, cubature, building type, form of construction, construction technology, average duration of construction; commissioned buildings not intended for residential use – number, cubature and useful floor area), dwellings in residential buildings (number, useful floor area, number of rooms, forms of construction), number of civil engineering land and water structures. Permits issued for constructing new residential and non-residential buildings and civil engineering land and water structures. Dwellings the construction of which has been started.
Municipal infrastructure in 2014
Information on devices and municipal services in the scope of water supply and heat management, distribution of electricity and line gas as well as collection and utilisation of municipal waste by localisation of devices or place of providing municipal services.