Publication Labour force survey in Poland in 3 quarter 2014

It describes the level of economic activity of the population by demographic and social characteristics, working persons by occupational characteristics, employment status and working time, as well as characteristics of unemployed persons (the duration of unemployment, methods of looking for a job, and professional experience), and the situation of disabled persons on the labour market. Reasons for economic inactivity are also included.

Publication Enterprise groups in Poland in 2013

Enterprise groups by type, location and country of origin of capita held by dominant entity. Basic data on results, revenues and costs for groups preparing consolidated financial statements, the number of the employed, type of activity according to PKD 2007.

Publication Statistical Yearbook of Industry 2014

Units performing economic activity, the course of the privatization of industrial enterprises, sold production, price indices, global production, intermediate consumption, gross value added, the production of major goods, finances of enterprises, employment and labour efficiency, working time and conditions, wages and salaries, investment outlays, fixed assets, foreign trade in manufactured goods, material balances, the use of materials in industry, technology, danger to the environment and environmental protection.

Publication Prices in the National Economy - December 2014

Dynamics and levels of prices in essential areas of the national economy. The results are presented as data series (price indices and levels) in tables, in Excel format, constituting databases for a particular thematic area (agriculture, industry, construction, services, retail market, export, import). Constant supply of data, in monthly, quarterly, cumulative and annual periods. The data comes from statistical surveys of the Central Statistical Office and other institutions participating in the integral system of official statistics.

Table Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by voivodships, subregions and powiats. As of the end of December 2014.

Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by voivodships, subregions and powiats. As of the end of December 2014.

Table Registered unemployed persons and unemployment rate by voivodships, subregions and powiats. As of the end of November 2014.

Registered unemployed persons by voivodships, subregions and powiats. As of the end of November 2014

Publication Statistical Bulletin No 12/2014

It contains basic indices of the socio-economic situation of the country, presented in the monthly, quarterly and annual series, including, among others, the national accounts, information on demography, the labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices, money supply, public finances and finances of non-financial enterprises, investment outlays, agriculture, industry, construction, transport, domestic and foreign trade, along with monthly or quarterly data characterising the socio-economic situation of voivodships and EU countries.

Publication Production of major industrial products - December 2014

Information on the quantity of manufactured production of selected industrial products by PKWiU/PRODPOL (nomenclature for testing industrial products for monthly reporting), including production of final products for sale as well as for further processing within an enterprise, manufactured from own and commissioned material.

Information note Gross Domestic Product in 2014 - preliminary estimate

According to the preliminary estimate, the increase of real gross domestic product (GDP) (constant average prices of the previous year) in 2014 was 3.3 %. The positive contribution of domestic uses strenghtened significantly while the negative effect of net export on GDP growth was observed.

Publication Information on socio-economic situation of the country in 2014

It provides a short-term analysis of phenomena and processes in the national economy, including monthly, quarterly and annual information, among others, on the labour market, prices, wages and salaries, basic areas of the national economy (agriculture, industry, construction, the domestic market, transport), foreign trade, money supply and public fi nances. Moreover, information published on a quarterly basis concerns GDP estimates, demographic processes, fi nancial results of non-fi nancial enterprises, investment outlays, business services, communications, the Stock Exchange, as well as the situation in selected countries in the world. The tabular part includes selected indices of the socio-economic situation of the country and basic macroeconomic indicators for the EU member states, OECD countries and selected developing countries.
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