Flash estimate of the consumer price index in September 2018
Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in September 2018, compared with the previous month, increased by 0,2% (price index 100,2), and compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 1,8% (price index 101,8).
Statistics Poland awarded with "Golden Herald"
Statistics Poland awarded with "Golden Herald"
Macroeconomic situation in Poland in the contex of the world economic processes in 2017
Macroeconomic phenomena and selected social phenomena in Poland in the context of processes in the global economy, including European Union countries: macroeconomic situation, labour markets, public finance sector, financial markets. Course of processes over a longer time perspective. Economic growth in the world, in the European Union countries and Poland, labour market situation in the world, EU and Poland, public finance in the world and Poland, situation on global financial markets and financial markets in Poland.
Cultural and creative industries 2014-2016
Basic data and indicators describing the functioning of cultural and creative industries in Poland in 2014-2016.
Registered unemployment I–II quarter 2018
The publication consists of methodological notes, comments to tables, analytic chapter and statistical tables and graphs (in Polish and English). The presented data concern unemployed persons registered in powiats labour offices and searching a job through these offices. The information on the unemployed is presented by sex, age, level of education, duration of unemployment, regions, voivodships, subregions, and powiats.
Household budget survey in 2017
Socio-demographic characteristics of persons in households, monthly income and spending and consumption of certain food products per capita, per equivalent unit, per person in the household where the specific income/spending/consumption was observed, presence of selected household equipment items, housing conditions, subjective assessment of material situation.
Employment, wages and salaries in national economy in 1st half of 2018
It describes working persons, employed persons and their nominal and real wages and salaries, as well as time worked, and licences for work issued to foreigners.
Energy management and gas supply system in Poland in 2017
In Poland, in 2017, consumption of gas per capita in urban areas increased by 50.6 kWh (by 3.3%) and amounted to 1 564.5 kWh.