Publication Employment in national economy in 2017

It provides the number of persons working in the national economy, employment status, selected categories of working persons, foreigners, disabled persons, retired persons, elements of employment changes by recruitment sources and reasons for dismissals.

Publication Energy statistics in 2016 and 2017

A synthetic energy balance, balances of energy conversion and balances for specific carriers. Energy balances in the industry, transport and construction. Direct energy consumption in agriculture, households and other users. Energy consumption for selected products and uses. Prices of selected energy carriers. Information published in natural units and energy units (TJ). Energy balances (basic and aggregated) according to the Eurostat methodology.

Publication Internal market in 2017 tabular annex

Presentation of information on the activities of trade enterprises compared to the entire services sector. Description of the changes to the value and structure of retail sales and wholesale.

Publication Labour force survey in Poland II quarter 2018

Level of professional activity of the population, according to socio-demographic features. The employed according to professional features, paid employment status, work time. Unemployment characteristics (duration, methods of searching for work, professional past), and the situation of the disabled on the labour market. Reasons for professional inactivity.

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of the consumer price index in October 2018

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in October 2018, compared with the previous month, increased by 0,4% (price index 100,4), and compared with the corresponding month of the previous year increased by 1,7% (price index 101,7).

Publication Yearbook of Foreign Trade Statistics of Poland 2018

Foreign trade in 2017 as compared to data for the previous years. Information on the volume of exports and imports, dynamics, turnover balance in current and constant prices, and by groups of countries.

Publication Accidents at work in 2017

Accidents at work involving persons working in the national economy. Information concerning victims of accidents at work registered with employers.

Publication Frascati Manual 2015

Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development

Publication Border traffic, foreigner’s expenditures in Poland and Poles’ abroad in 2017

Value and structure of expenses made by foreigners in Poland and Poles abroad. Characteristics of border traffic, its intensity and structure. Purpose of stay abroad, distance from the border of the country of origin and the shopping place, frequency of border crossings.
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