Statistics in focus Financial results of banks in 2021

In 2021 the net financial result of the banking sector[1] amounted to 8.9 bn PLN, in comparison with minus 0,3 bn PLN in 2020. The balance sheet total increased by 9.3% y/y and amounted to 2 556.7 bn PLN. The value of loans for the non-financial sector increased by 4.6% y/y to 1 186.4 bn PLN, while the value of deposits of this sector increased by 7.9% y/y to 1 537.0 bn PLN.

Statistics in focus Flash estimate of the consumer price index in March 2022

Consumer prices according to the flash estimate in March 2022, compared with the corresponding month of the previous year, increased by 10,9% (price index 110,9), and as related to the previ-ous month increased by 3,2% (price index 103,2).

Statistics in focus Financial results of insurance companies in 2021

The overall net financial result of insurance companies in 2021 was less favorable than a year ago and amounted to PLN 5.7 billion. This was due to a worse result obtained by life insurance companies (division I), despite a better result of non-life insurance companies (division II).

Statistics in focus Preliminary information about general government deficit and debt in relation to GDP in 2021

According to the EDP notification, in 2021 the general government deficit was 1,8% of GDP, while the general government debt amounted to 53,8 % of GDP.

Statistics in focus Activity of enterprises having foregin entities in 2020

At the end of 2020, 1 880 enterprises in Poland (an increase as compared to 2019 by 1.7%) declared involvement in 4 030 foreign entities (an increase by 1.3% comparing to 2019) in the form of shares, branches or other forms. Majority of foreign entities were located in Germany, Czechia, Ukraine and Russia.

Publication Guide to surveys and studies on cross-border areas

Guidebook containing general information about conducted surveys of border areas and presenting studies and reports devoted to this subject.

Publication Supply and use tables in 2018

These supply and use tables form part of the system of national accounts compiled according to the SNA/ESA methodology. They play a particularly significant role of a detailed database for the products and services supply and use analysis, providing grounds for the work on the remaining accounts.

Publication Rural areas in Poland 2020

The publication consists of two integral parts. The first, contains analytical comment, which constitutes a comprehensive description of the rural areas transformation. The analysis including a wide spectrum of issues: from socio-demographic data, non-agricultural activities, incomes and expenditures as well as households furnishing, access to educational establishments, cultural centers and health care, to data on technical infrastructure, environmental and rural areas financing.

Publication Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review No. 4/2021

On March 30, 2022 No. 4/2021 "Przegląd Statystyczny. Statistical Review" appeared. Please visit the website

Contest for the design of an application supporting refugees from Ukraine

The aim of the event is to develop application prototypes using open data, in particular the data provided through API on the portal. The application would help Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war in solving the current social problems.
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